I just posted is few minutes ago and I already see a note at the very bottom:
"Comments were hidden due to low ratings."
I wonder if anyone knows why is that happtning?
I just posted is few minutes ago and I already see a note at the very bottom:
"Comments were hidden due to low ratings."
I wonder if anyone knows why is that happtning?
Yeah the “user” who posted that hidden comment is a spam bot. All it does is post current BTC prices.
Thank you! I was worried that Im doing something wrong already.
Such an relief.
I would love to stay in touch with you a little bit closer as I value your knowledge and your input. And we could support each other on Steemit.
Plus you're very responsive which is absolutely great.
Perhaps you could send me short email to [email protected]
I only knew about this spam bot because it’s been hitting my blog and many others. Offering absolutely no value. Are you using steemit or busy? I wouldn’t put contact info on the blockchain. You know someone will start harvesting contact info from blockchain sooner or later.
at the moment Im just discovering steemit and I read a bit about busy.org but I didnt have a change to try it yet. I hope that within 1-2 month I will establish some position here and then I will have a look at busy.
Which one is your favourite ? I've read that busy is way more userfriendly and also that posts uplodead on steemit can somehow automaticaly be uploaded on busy.org too. Is that true?
"I wouldn’t put contact info on the blockchain.".
What do you mean? Do you think that sharing my email here is not wise?
Thx for your replies. I really wish I could also keep in touch with you via PM.
I’d keep personal info off the blockchain. It’s public and people will start to use it. Busy makes steemit look like it was built in 2009. I believe busy allows PM.
Make sense.
I figured that my email is not very private anyway. Anyone can find it on google or facebook or my company site. But surely I appreciate your advise and I will not share to much here.
Is community stronger on busy or steemit? Would you happend to have account on busy? (share it please).
Anyway I hope you dont mind contacting me via email. It would be easier to keep in touch in future.
I don’t know which is community is stronger or how it all works but the user experience is terrible on steemit. I’m still trying to get my post noticed. Seems like everyone is using bots? You’ll have to teach me.