Hi Dave
Yeah, Im experimenting with those bots. This time I decided to buy few bots right away after I uploaded my post and another few tomorrow. And I will compare results.
Im assuming that psychologicaly new members of community will be more willing to upvote post that is already having some value (that's how I have been doing it at the beginning). So I want to attract them.
And tomorrow I will get more bots and this way everyone should benefit a little bit.
Would that make sense?
Do you think that my articles are to long? I know that attention span on social media is quite short and Im trying to figure out how many words should I use maximum. To avoid losing people. Better to make half-long post if people would read it. Right?
"There's a chance these banks already accumulated a bunch of BTC in hand. Taking a step back would mean they give you a free hand to pump the crypto market up again, so these bastards can profit from whatever amount of BTC they have in hand currently."
Personally I really hope that it would happend. The way I see it that we may experience very fast growth (and then again drop before july) but that would only mean that this market is being heavily manipulated right now.
If big players will decide that it's not worth it (because 4 month till july is not much, because of trade war, stock market collapsing) then nothing will change. HODL is a good advise hehe :) HOLD and buy more if you can.
"FIAT. So, inviting me over for crypto discussion is absolutely - we Chinese call vomit blood (waste of effort)"
Im sorry but you've lost me here.
I'm trading crypto with the broker via CFD. Which means I don't hold any coins, instead I'm buying a contract. More like gambling if crypto going up or down. I'm buying sides. I don't really care if the crypto is worth HODLing, all I care is whether my contract is profitable. Hence, asking me to discuss what's my point of view on which crypto, it's a total waste of time because I will only see what the contract said. And being a CFD trader, my transaction will never affect the actual market liquidity at all, because there aren't any "real" transaction being transacted in the "real" crypto world. U get what I mean?
As for the bank's quietly holding cryptos, will it happen? Put it this way, if I weren't voice this out, they probably quietly projecting how far they wanna bring the crypto up before they dump everything to crush the price. Or, they saw market reaction, they decided to dump it now and flush every Hodler off so they can buy back even more at cheaper price?
I don't know. I usually get things right without telling anyone. So there's a good chance market will go the other way round since I talked about it.
Hi Dave
I think I get what you mean. Thx for your very rich reply