I absolutely appreciate time and effort that you put to provide me with such a great reply
Thank you.
I strongly believe that many european countries will benefit. Especially once silk road will be already fully operating.
Im Polish (living in Asia) and I consider our country "first civilized country" on the way from China. I see east europe really growing and US will matter less and less within time. They will isolate themself well enough to be very little of importance for europe and asia and africa.
It seem to me that europe is looking more to the east than to the west. First time since I was born. Which may change everything.
Anyway Im just curious how can it all affect crypto. Would bitcoin and altcoins be considered "safe heaven"?
Have a great weekend
I would love to stay in touch with you a little bit closer as I value your knowledge and your input. And we could support each other on Steemit.
I wish there would be more advanced notification system developed by steemit.
Plus you're very responsive which is absolutely great and steemit community surely will benefit by having you here.
Perhaps you could send me short email to [email protected]
No pressure of course,
Cheers, Piotr