Wow. When I invited you to share you opinion I trully didnt imagine that you will give me such a rich response.
Thank you.
"G20 was generally more bad for cryptocurrencies given the lack of clarity." -> well said.
Im glad that you seem to see things different than me. The truth is that Im a social media marketer + data analysist so my point of view may be very different.
I believe that many whales wouldnt like to have any regulations. But I also think that most of them will wait for it since they know that regulations will be implemented anyway.
Current environment doesnt encourage big players to invest in this market. Uncertainty is not a way to encourage them. But I agree with you that most of whales probably wouldnt like regulations at all.
Thx for your valuable vistory lesson. I never knew that.
Such an excellent reply. upvoted with my little voting power :)
Thanks, @crypto.piotr !
You said, "Current environment doesnt encourage big players to invest in this market. Uncertainty is not a way to encourage them." I agree. It appears to actually be intentional this way, because they know that if too much money moves out of their Fiat control and into crypto, it will collapse their tightly controlled monetary system sooner than they are ready for. So they seem to be using the power they have to stall things and "buy time" through their control of the media until they can create their own centralized cryptocurrency to force it on the masses, like they do with the other state-run Fiat currencies.
I'd like to believe reason will win out, but who knows, given their track record. I am an optimist by nature and so I believe that somehow there's a way where we can all win out, including them. :) If we can all take a step back and put it all into perspective, it is easier to see that the key lies within the potential of decentralized blockchain technology.
Have a great day