Interesting & Hilarious bits
- Opening VeChain’s site will loop a movie trailer like intro about VeChain.
- The CEO of VeChain used to work for Louis Vuitton. He knows quality when it comes to apparel and all his team are dressed in fancy polos and he himself has on a velour track jacket with the VeChain logo emblazoned on it.
- App Review
What is VeChain?
VeChain is a blockchain that will use the publicly viewable aspect of the blockchain to allow businesses and customers to verify the authenticity and integrity of products.
What is VeChain Thor?
VeChain Thor is VeChain’s rebranding to expand beyond supply chain authentication to smart contracts and virtual machines. They also change from a one coin (VEN) to a two coin system (VET & THOR) similar to NEO & GAS.
Blockchain Specs:
-Forked from Ethereum
-Uses Proof of Authority (Masternodes) instead of PoW
-Up to 10,000 transactions per second
-Mainnet in Q2 of 2018
Strength Node (+38.7%)
Thunder Node (+57%)
Mjolnir Node (+75.2%)
Thrudheim Node (+75.2% + 30% Thor Power from transactions)
X-Nodes - Early Masternode adopters that will get extra Thor Power from the 50 million VET tokens that VeChain is locking up. You need to have the VEN tokens in your MEW by 3/20.
Positives about VeChain Thor
- Great partnerships (PwC, DNV-GL, BMW)
- Even Greater Partnership (Chinese Government)
- Team has marketing and relationships nailed down
Negatives for VeChain Thor
- No Product (No blockchain, No wallet, No storage mechanism)
- Haven’t answer this question: What if there’s a sensor failure and
the integrity of the product is compromised (or false-positive scenario)? - Is 4 years behind Ethereum, 2 years behind NEO
Bottom line: Is VeChain a NEO killer?
Yes. If VeChain’s partnership with China is a success, NEO might need to immigrate out of China.
AMA with CEO:
Question about operation of VeChain: China Partnership: X Nodes: Thrudheim: Sample QR Code for VeChain Pro App:

▶️ DTube
Looks like Node-fomo is kicking in for VET. People are starting to realize it won't go lower.
I expected more of a uptick. I guess people don't care for the X-Nodes...