
Oh that video was really hilarious :D I love the team behind BitconnectX platform though :)))

Funny how we still know nothing about it and it's less than a day away. There's no roadmap, whitepaper, PR posts...nothing. Just a site with a countdown timer. Yep, not suspicious at all.

It's backed by the biggest ponzi scheme in crytpo, what more assurance do you need?

Scam coin!!!

I be avoiding bitconnectx the next shite coin by the scammers

I am all in, safe investment

Is Trevon supporting the amazing project? Because if so i am going all in... he hasn't steered me wrong yet.


PS, fuck that guy!

Thanks - got me in a bit of trouble at work for losing it and laughing hard. Couldn't give my coworkers enough context to explain why the clips of BCC shills was so funny.

Listen up you didn't lose you money, now have your...sigh (awkward pause).. technically you kinda lost your money

^ that was comedy GOLD

yes this is a great joke.
Propbably many peoples invest thoer money in this shitty ico and
they are curentl in loss.
its ponzi scheme.
Thanks for sharing .

I guess at least 90 % of people visiting this post are sure that bccX is a scam as bitconnect. But i have no idea why every day in a few seconds every single bitconnect X coin is sold ( about 260 000 coins daily limit)...?? Any ideas?

haha yeah it's sad but a lot of people still think it's a good investment, it's like a glimmer of hope for some desperate or greedy people.

This is not the real cryptobobby! This is a cryptic bot!

you tell truth!

thank you, sir, for your kind information.

Hi @cryptobobby... I've been following your videos on YouTube and here... You do provide very useful educational content. I would like to ask you if you have any mentorship or coaching program where I can join and learn more details from you directly? Thanks a million.

Yes it is the hottest. I think it will be successful and maybe help the price of the fallen bcc

Somebody didn't watch the videooooooo


No I did lol...... that is just me having small hope

watch the video steemkidd or your reputation will be trashed, its a shite coin, scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did. I just was stating my small hope.

thank you for contributing such a meaningful,useful,and informative post here on this platform,wish I had enough sp I would have given you 100% for this nice writeup

I've heard about this and I try to warn people to avoid these scams!

As a designer, it really bugs me how they don't utilize a consistent "X" logo design across their site.

People are losing theirs lives because con-artists scammed them and now they have the audacity to pump an ICO. This is why so many people can get turned off by crypto.

We need real tech and real people explaining things. Not cloack and dagger ICOs.

This website looks kinda spooky... Is it from the X-Files...?

man we all know how the worlds great as you say bitconnnect how it failed in the field & how the people face loss when it crashed from $400 to $20 & you still sthink that BITCONNECT X is the HOTTEST ICO ??

I will do :)

Wow i didn't know it was this good, after watching your video I'm definately jumping on the hype train!

pretty amusing video. made me laugh when you sound so serious about it. screw bccx

That PS sentence should have been bolded to empahize your real intent on this post. I read first before I respond but hate bitconnect so much I was going to almost downvote your post. Thank heavens I read till the end.

Lol unfortunately the majority of people who watch this video will think you're being serious.

I laughed so hard throughout this entire video, really enjoyed it! Seriously, why are people throwing their money at this thing

it is best to invest the money in bitconnectx

Literally crying right now but not sure if its because it was so funny or that I'm one of the donuts that got scammed into it...;) And the answer to someone's question about how do they keep selling out the daily ico limit, is, people either stick with the worthless, boring bitconnect coin and have faith that the brilliant mr smith and his incredible team bring it back from the dead or trade them in for bitconnectX which as you saw from the the very informative video is awesome because, ya know..... it has an X ;)

Good video. Makes me feel stupid for actually supporting this ICO!! I guess I will learn