Coins With Growing Price and Volume - 03/17/2020

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Coins With Growing Price and Volume - 03/17/2020

  • X Days represents average daily trade volume during period
  • 60/7 and 30/3 show percent growth for respective periods
CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
WAXP 65 $0.04346 79% 90% 1%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
2,786,014 4,000,263 3,471,372 5,000,225 7,627,001 14,964,898

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
ZVC 257 $0.03529 177% 200% 50%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
363,732 487,980 763,697 1,007,984 1,466,414 1,354,953

CoinRankPrice USD60 vs 7 Day30 vs 3 Day 7 Day % Price Up
IONC 483 $0.02368 68% 74% 9%
60 Days30 Day15 Day7 Day3 Day1 Day
213,505 226,281 273,893 360,534 394,094 500,315

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