Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. – John Ruskin
The task of creating a masternode deployment platform and placing it at the disposal of masternode investors should not be taken lightly. And still, some do exactly that, underestimating the technical challenges that come with building such a product, and thus overlooking the investor’s concerns. We’ve gathered some questions that everyone should think about before deciding to use a masternode deployment platform.
Here’s what to pay close attention to.
Geographic distribution of the masternodes
What to ask: Where would my masternode be hosted if I set one up today?
Wrong answers
All the masternode servers are hosted in the same datacenter.
All the masternode servers are hosted on the platform.
Correct answer
When created, each masternode gets a dedicated server, hosted somewhere throughout the entire globe. Plus, the platform uses various server providers, instead of a single data center, so that enhances the distribution even more.
When you go on a trip or on holiday, you know not to keep all your money in the same place. This way, if a piece of luggage gets stolen, you still have some money to purchase a return ticket or to call someone to come pick you up. When you’re writing your doctoral thesis, it’s best if you keep copies in different folders, partitions, USB memories, external hard drives, a printed version plus a bunch of other locations that you’re sure going to come up with.
Same with masternodes. Multiple masternodes should not be kept in the same place.
If a platform holds the masternode servers itself, all bundled up in the same location, it is headed for disaster. No doubt about it. There are so many bad things that could happen, which would disrupt the entire process and bring the platform to a halt, that we don’t know where to start. Let’s just take the most common, usually encountered issue: a power outage. If all of the masternode servers are hosted in the same place and the power goes out, that’s a catastrophe in the making. An inactive masternode equals losing money, and what investor wants that?
If the masternode servers are scattered around, there’s no way they can all crash at the same time.
Dedicated server
What to ask: Does the masternode I’m deploying have its dedicated server?
Wrong answer
Your masternode can be hosted together with others in the same server. This way, we can keep the hosting costs low for you. However, this type of hosting will not affect your masternode in any way.
Correct answer
During the launching process, every masternode gets assigned its own dedicated server. Your masternode will not be sharing the same server with other masternodes at any moment.
A masternode fulfills multiple functions in a network. Anonymity, instant transactions, voting – these are just a few examples. In order for a masternode to deliver a certain level of performance, it needs resources. And a dedicated server provides these resources. Anything in between is just a compromise, that brings with it major disadvantages. Cramming together multiple masternodes in the same server is irresponsible. Imagine a bus absolutely packed with people – they’re definitely not having the best time of their lives. They can’t breathe, they can’t move, they will most likely get off the bus absolutely tired and in an irritated state.
If multiple masternodes are sharing the same server, they will be compelled to split the resources. That leads to a low-quality, adverse, maybe even faulty functioning that could endanger the entire network. To stick with the example method, imagine this: masternodes help secure the network. Who would want to tamper with the security of the network that holds your investments? To be fully protected, you need good soldiers, well-fed and armored. To have a fully secure network, you need each masternode to have enough resources to work properly.
In short, the more masternodes there are in the same server, the more prone to crashing it is. And if the server crashes, all the masternodes become inactive. Eight masternodes in the same server? Eight times more likely that the server crashes. Eight angry investors when the server crashes.
Some might justify this practice of placing multiple masternodes in the same server through the low costs they practice. Don’t be fooled by cheap prices, most of the times, they are an indicator of a low-quality, inferior product.
Setting a maximum number of connections to the masternode
What to ask: Is there a limit put on the number of connections that my masternode can have?
Wrong answer
There is a limit of x connections applied to your masternode. This does not affect your masternode in any way.
Correct answer
We do not limit in any way the number of connections the masternodes can have.
Another thing to check before deciding on a masternode deployment platform is whether the number of connections per masternode is limited. This is a practice that should be frowned upon, because it enables the delivery of a low-quality product. Certain platforms will impose a limit on the number of connections per masternode in order to be able to host multiple masternodes on the same server.
To make matters crystal clear, let’s talk numbers. If a masternode has its number of connections limited at 8 while most decent VMs support 128 connections, that masternode limitation has most likely been used to allow 8 masternodes to be crammed together. And we already covered the importance of dedicated resources for each masternode in the previous section.
Handling updates
What to ask: Is the update process devised to support simultaneous update for the entire number of masternodes on the platform?
Wrong answer
In case an update is required, our team is ready to implement the changes. It might not be for all masternodes at the same time, but it will be a fast process.
Correct answer
In case an update is required, the platform has automated processes implemented, ensuring that any change made applies to all masternodes at the same time.
When you start your venture in the cryptoworld, be prepared for moving sands. Not in the sense that you’ll sink (although that’s what happens when you don’t have firm control), but because everything will be changing constantly. Algorithms, wallets, or any other piece of code can and will suffer multiple changes throughout time. In cases like these, the masternode platform, and subsequently the team behind it, must be prepared to handle these changes.
Scalability must be taken into account when devising procedures for maintaining the entire system up to date. Firm, automated processes for keeping an eye on all the changes that happen inside each coin available on the platform should be put in place. This way, no piece of information and no masternode gets left behind.
Alpha, beta, gamma, delta
What to ask: Can anyone just register and use the platform?
Wrong answer
Yes, you can register and you’ll be the first to know when the platform is ready for you to start deploying masternodes.
Correct answer
Yes, simply go to the platform, create an account and start using it to deploy masternodes.
When you decide to utilize a product or a service, you expect it to be fully functional. You choose to use it because it advertises it can fix your problems. You choose the one that seems to best fit your needs. That’s why you’re choosing to eat soup with a spoon, not a fork. Would be a shame if your needs would not be met. Still, that’s what happens. Many platforms promise a wide variety of features and then fail to deliver.
It’s absolutely normal to take precautions and impose safety measures, even if that translates into a test period or beta product. This programmers’ joke is well known nowadays: “99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs in a code, Take one down, patch it around, 127 little bugs in the code”. What should be avoided, though, is getting stuck in that “testing” condition. The team should be constantly pushing to develop the product and polish all features.
One popular masternode platform, for example, releases everything directly to the public. Of course, one might think: “well, that’s not a very safe method, what if things start getting really awry, what then?”. Let’s put your mind to rest. The team is able to release directly because of two factors: confidence and a very, very thorough monitoring process. Plus, if the smallest error appears, their phones get red. Literally. Monitoring programs oversee everything constantly and send notifications to the system engineers’ phones. Any and every issue that appears is dealt with promptly.
Level of support
What to ask: How fast can I get support from you, in case something goes wrong?
Wrong answer
Feel free to contact our support team at any time. The average response time is somewhere between 24-48h.
Correct answer
You can contact the support team at any time. We understand how valuable a quick response is, so the average response time is just under 5 minutes.
If you’re a service provider, then you know that your job does not end after you’ve delivered the product. It extends to ensuring that your client is satisfied throughout the utilization of your product. Running into problems might mess up the level of satisfaction, especially if you’re not there to guide your client through solving the issue.
In the cryptoworld, simply offering support is not enough, you must deliver. Working in shifts, to cover all timezones (it is a cryptoworld, after all), having properly trained personnel, who can keep the response times low, or keeping an eye on all social channels, not just the dedicated support one, are characteristics of a high quality support.
The ideal situation is when the people who have created the product are the ones that provide the support. They know every little intricacy of the project, they truly understand how it functions, and they are the ones able to offer the best solutions. To use the same example as before, this is how one team managed to have a response time of under 2 minutes and 97% top ratings.
You don’t have to wait until you run into an actual problem to test just how responsive is the platform’s support team. You can simulate an issue or, if you don’t particularly enjoy lying, use the support feature to send feedback, suggestion, or praise.
To sum up, when choosing a masternode deployment platform, keep in mind the following:
- The distribution of masternodes – make sure that the masternode servers are not stored in the same location
- Dedicated server – check that each masternode has its own dedicated server
- Connections to the masternode – verify that the number of connections the masternode can have does not have a limit imposed
- Updates – find out what are the implemented procedures to maintain the entire system up to date
- Functionality status of the platform – identify whether the platform has all features functional or is in a testing state
- Support – review the availability and level of support (response times, response rates, quality of proposed solutions etc.)
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://cryptofizz.com/masternode-deployment-platforms-a-short-guide/
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