I hope you will find the information I collected in this post useful. Happy trading ! Remember do your own research and invest only money you can lose!
Here are few types collected from over the 20+ sources from the internet!!!
Below are presented predictions for investing in cryptocurrency - what to invest? - daily, short, medium and long term.
Source: Bernd Lapp in [3].Bitcoin is now at USD10,000 - a lot of people now wake up to this new Digital Money & ask themselves "Should I buy, or is it too late?" $BTC cld be USD100,000 in 2 yrs. Chart below shows prediction of #Bitcoin from 2014, ridiculously accurate! ;)
CME Group Self-Certifies Bitcoin Futures to Launch Dec. 18, http://www.cmegroup.com/media-room/press-releases/2017/12/01/cme_group_self-certifiesbitcoinfuturestolaunchdec18.html?utm_source=TWITTER&utm_medium=social_post&utm_content=20171201&utm_campaign=bitcoin, December/1/2017
Daily update for December 2, 2017
Coin | Entry | Target | Source | Date | Exchange |
BTC | 9242.29USD | ↑ | [9] | Nov/30/2017 | Bittrex,5:00pm |
In the next few days from date in column of the table
Coin | Entry/BTC | Target | Source | Date | Exchange |
BTC | 9242.29USD | ↑ | [9] | Nov/30/2017 | Bittrex,5:00pm |
Source: [9].
Continuation - in the next few days
Coin | Entry/BTC | Target | Source | Date | Exchange |
BTC | 9242.29.USD | ↓ | [19] | Nov/30/2017 | Bittrex,5:00pm |
NXT | 0.00001815 | ↑ | [22] | Dec/1/2017 | Poloniex,2:41pm |
ARDR | 0.00003223 | ↑ | [12] | Dec/1/2017 | Bittrex,12:00pm |
BTC | 9187.19USD | ↑ | [16] | Nov/27/2017 | Bittrex,12:30am |
XEM | 0.00002912 | ↑ | [19] | Nov/29/2017 | Bittrex,1:30pm |
SYS | 0.00003544 | move | [18] | Nov/26/2017 | Bittrex,9:30pm |
OMG | 7.6092USD | ↑ | [10] | Nov/24/2017 | Bittrex,11:00pm |
Short term from date in column of the table
Coin | Entry | Target | Source | Date | Exchange |
BTC | 8253.65USD | ↑ | [4W] | Nov/22/2017 | Poloniex,12:30pm |
BTC | 8269.43USD | ↑* | [16] | Nov/21/2017 | Poloniex,2:00am |
BTC | 7353.91USD | 13185,90** | [16] | Nov/9/2017 | Bittrex,2:30am |
ETH | 324.66USD | ↑*** | [16] | Nov/9/2017 | Poloniex,4:30pm |
4W-I think we will see 10K (or very close to it) by the end of the year. Source: [4]. - 25/5000
*price increase until the beginning of 2018 = about $ 11.000
**price increase until December 30, 2017, later fall in price to 7820.90 on March 12, 2018
***price increase until December 2017
Long term from date in column of the table
Coin | Entry | Target | Source | Date | Exchange |
BTC | 5943.38USD | ↑ | [10*] | Oct/21/2017 | Bittrex,7:30pm |
CCMC-CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations
prices have been added by @cryptoizotx
[1] Ryan Lee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEhFzdgTPR8MmeL0z-xbA3g
[2] Suppoman Udemy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCmJln4C_CszIusbJ_MHmfQ
[3] Peter Sin Guili https://twitter.com/petersinguili
[4] The Wolf https://twitter.com/WolfOfPoloniex
[5] CAT https://twitter.com/Cryptonoobie
[6] High Altitude Investing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD9j5qyDqQvb9qnLss3vxww
[7] Moon Shot https://twitter.com/MoonShot33
[8] Suppoman Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1922317831322891/
[9] Node Investor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa81HAp1se359Sr5qEMMP7A
[10] Node Investor https://twitter.com/NodeInvestor
[11] Node Investor https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@nodeinvestor/this-may-be-a-great-entry-point-for-stratis
[12] Joe Kunzler https://twitter.com/josephkunzler
[13] Ambroid - Longest Name In Crypto, Bow Before Me https://twitter.com/anambroid
[14] Charlie Lee [LTC] https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite
[15] FatihSK87 https://twitter.com/FatihSK87
[16] HighAltitudelnv https://twitter.com/HighAltitudeInv
[17]Cryptoteen https://twitter.com/cryptos_teen
[18]Bully https://twitter.com/CryptoBully
[19]Crypto Rand https://twitter.com/crypto_rand
[20]Lizzie Roe https://twitter.com/CryptoLizzie
[21]Vitalik Buterin https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin
[22]Zissou https://twitter.com/ZeusZissou
[23]Young And Investing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCczMw5XzxxVks7sNaC-QxwQ/videos
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