Lesson of investing from Suppoman Udemy

Hi everyone,
I hope you will find the information I collected in this post useful. Happy trading ! Remember do your own research and invest only money you can lose!

Great day for trading after few days in red. What should you buy and trade today? Here are few types collected from various sources one the internet.

Suppoman Udemy says, that on the cryptocurrency market still is a period of great opportunities
and Suppoman Udemy presents:
Top 5 WAYS TO SURVIVE the Cryptocurrency Market CRASH!
Top 5 crash strategies:
Accumulate more long term coins,
Invest in strong ICOs at low prices,
Invest in hyped ICOs and sell immediately,
Invest in non-BTC coins/Litecoin,
Do not dump! Hold and take breake!
Source: Suppoman Udemy

published on the YouTube 8th July, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCmJln4C_CszIusbJ_MHmfQ

in the next few days

Date: July 7 2017

DGB0.00000636Suppoman Udemy[3]Poloniex

in the next few days

Date: July 7 2017

STRAT0.00240300Node Investor[11,13]Poloniex
STEEM0.00067948Node Investor[11]Poloniex
ANS0.00293000Node Investor[12]Bittrex
XEM0.00006502Node Investor[12]Bittrex
XRP0.00009565Node Investor[12]Bittrex

*prices ANS, XEM and XRP for 07/07/2017, was collcted by @cryptoizotx on the https://bittrex.com/ -ANS,XEM,XRP-at about 9:30am, price STEEM on the https://poloniex.com/exchange#BTC_STEEM - at about 8:30am

Weekly Trades

Date: predictions for July 10-16, 2017*

CoinEntryTargetSource [1]Exchange
ETH0.09492841/BTCRyan Lye YT
ETC0.0061724/BTCRyan Lye YT
LTC0.01802002/BTCRyan Lye YT
STRAT0.00171001/BTCRyan Lye YT
LSK0.00085909/BTCRyan Lye YT
ARK0.00022333/BTCRyan Lye YT
HMQ0.00005163/BTCRyan Lye YT
XRP0.00008939/BTCRyan Lye YT
XLM0.00000766/BTCRyan Lye YT
BTC2469.99999999/USDRyan Lye YT

published on the YouTube 07/07/2017

Weekly Trades

Date: July 4 2017

SCSuppoman FB
LTCSuppoman FB
BATSuppoman FB
IconomiSuppoman FB
CFISuppoman FB
EOSSuppoman FB

Medium Term

Date: June 30 2017


Long Term

Date: July 07 2017

NXT0.00004711/BTCJoe KunzlerPoloniex

*price NXT was added by @cryptoizotx from the https://poloniex.com/exchange#btc_nxt - for 07/07/2017, 12:09 pm

Long Term

Date Announced: Jun 27 2017

EOSSuppoman YT[3]
DOGESuppoman YT [3]
STRSuppoman YT [3] and Node Investor [7]
ANSSuppoman YT [3] and Node Investor [7]
LBCSuppoman YT [3]
STEEMSuppoman YT [3] and Node Investor [7]
LSKNode Investor [7]
LTCNode Investor [7]
CLOAKNode Investor [7]
PIVXNode Investor [7]
BURSTNode Investor [7]
RADIUMNode Investor [7]
OMNINode Investor [7]
MONANode Investor [7]

[1] Ryan Lee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEhFzdgTPR8MmeL0z-xbA3g [2] CryptoGuy https://twitter.com/Crypto333 [3] Suppoman Udemy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCmJln4C_CszIusbJ_MHmfQ [4] Peter Sin Guili https://twitter.com/petersinguili [5] The Wolf https://twitter.com/WolfOfPoloniex [6] CRYPTOCAT https://twitter.com/Cryptonoobie [7] Node Investor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa81HAp1se359Sr5qEMMP7A [8] Moon Shot https://twitter.com/MoonShot33 [9] Suppoman Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1922317831322891/ [10]High Altitude Investing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD9j5qyDqQvb9qnLss3vxww [11] Node Investor https://twitter.com/NodeInvestor [12] Node Investor https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@nodeinvestor/this-may-be-a-great-entry-point-for-stratis [13] Joe Kunzler https://twitter.com/josephkunzler

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Good work!

taht's good, that you value the job

Stop following so called experts learn from video and people opinions to make you own decisions.
Even this suppoman guy has not made it yet folks.

I make my own decisions. It's interesting to see how the opinions of the experts differ (sometimes they not) . Also with thousands of coins it's easy to miss a valuable one if you just try to do research on your own.
My advise to you, learn how to use all available sources ! You won't regret.

cheers man :)

Hey that's an interesting post. I'll follow your account to see how you doing :). Please follow me @barteksiama.