Top Bitcoin Millionaires

Bitcoin is the oldest decentralized digital currency, before Ethereum, Litecoin and although it has been around for a while, time hasn’t made it any more stable than it was at the beginning. Nonetheless, people are turning their bitcoin investments into very deep pockets full of cryptocurrency and becoming millionaires off it. For bitcoin traders one of the good things about it is are that it is tax-free in most countries which means it is not under the control of the government and traders can operate under anonymity, all they need is a couple of numbers and letters that allow them operate quietly. Here is a list of some of those who made quite a fortune from Bitcoin.

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  • Erik Finman

This young millionaire who started trading with bitcoins quite early at the age of 12, using a gift card from his grandma and advice from his brothers has managed to mine his bitcoin wallet to becoming a millionaire. Erik Finman has through his bitcoin made other investments especially in the tech world. He has been able to launch Botangle – an online edu-company, he has been able to move from his parents’ town to places like Columbia and he has met some important players in the tech world. Finman does not shy of talking about how he thinks the educational system right now was flawed and ineffective haven dropped out himself and struck a deal with his parents that allowed him not go to college. Evidently, that is turning out to be a fine decision; he has been hosted on some talk shows to enlighten people about trading in bitcoin. Finman like some other bitcoin enthusiasts believe that the future of bitcoin is bright. Finman isn’t only about bitcoins though, he says he trades in other forms of cryptocurrency and is interested in the tech world and is working with NASA he has a website where he talks about things like education, technology and artificial intelligence.

  • Dave Carlson

David Carlson has a very interesting grass to grace story considering how he has grown financially and how he started. He is a former software engineer for Microsoft, and he found out about bitcoin in 2010 and since then has not seized to make innovations on the platform. He is the founder of MegaBigPower. Carlson currently owns a bitcoin mining operation that earns him millions of dollars monthly. The location of his warehouse however is unknown.

  • Satoshi Nakamoto

Of course this list cannot go without including Satoshi Nakamoto, considering that he or them is the mastermind behind the creation of bitcoin. Satoshi Nakomoto is a name behind which a person or group of people operate to design bitcoin, he claims to be a Japanese man born in 1975. Satoshi Nakomotois knowing for inventing bitcoin implementing the first blockchain and also controlling an impressive amount of bitcoins, by impressive I mean almost a million bitcoins. Satoshi has been listed on several lists of richest people and his real identity is still a puzzle to the world, the quest t discover his real identity has apparently been taken by many.

  • Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss

The Winklevoss twins are definitely the most popular bitcoins billionaires right now; they are American rowers who competed in @008 Olympics in Beijing. The Winklevoss twins are known for being co-founders of Harvard connection, but that is not what makes the twins so popular. Their involvement with Mark Zuckerberg over a decade ago when they had sued Mark, claiming he stole their idea and used it to create Facebook is responsible for this fame. They are characters in the movie “the social network” played by actor Armie Hammer. Although a lot of people may not like the twins’ personality, that did not stopped them from becoming the first bitcoins billionaires.

  • Tony Gallippi

Tony Gallipi has some experience as a sales man and is the co-founder of BitPay, a company that has allowed thousands of bitcoin owners actually spend their bitcoins through his agreement with retailers. BitPay stands as the largest checkout processor and with that on ground, Gallippi claimed he has made millions from his Investment. BitPay has motivated a lot of business owners to join the bitcoin trade and has employed over eighty people.

  • Grant Sabatier

Grant Sabatier is a millionaire from both hard cash and virtual currency. He writes about helpful finance tips on his blog Millennial Money. Sabatier took to investing in bitcoins with just 1% of his money and unlike other bitcoins enthusiasts; he does not advice bitcoin as a major investment for anybody. Grant claims that bitcoins comes with a lot of uncertainty and anyone seeking to invest should do so with money they will be alright loosing. Grant sees bitcoins as a long-term investment and not for any short-term gain.

  • Jarred Kenna

Jarred Kenna is a former US marine that took a huge risk investing a lot in bitcoin at its early stages and is now a millionare. His involvement in bitcpin has allowed his open several businesses, both bitcoin and non-bitcoin affiliated; and is the first pioneer of bitcoin dark mining pools. He has moved on to open a brewery and 20 missions in San Francisco.

  • Charlie Shrem

Charlie Shrem is an entrepreneur and a bitcoin enthusiasts, he has a very interesting story himself haven been in and out of jail but that has not stopped him from ranking among millionaires with a net worth of over forty million dollars. Charlie Shrem is a founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation and cofounded Bitinstant. His prison sentence was due to his involvement with Silk Road, and it earned him two years prison sentence. Shrem’s early bitcoin career was not a rosy one as his first bitcoin service crashed and he lost all his investments but he turned his misfortune around and used it as a motivation to invent Bitinstant along with an online friend who had experienced similar demise.

  • The FBI

Following the FBI’s investigation of silk road that led them to convicting some bitcoin criminals overtime and seize their bitcoin wallets, the FBI has since become one of the top bitcoin owners. Their involvement started by wanting to catch drug dealers who were taking advantage of the anonymity of bitcoins to sell in large quantities. They have auctioned the bitcoin they have seized but they continue to investigate crime routes on the virtual marketplace.


nice post thanks.

easy to look back now and tell our former selves we were stupid for over looking it! But at least we are here now

bitcoin is now over saturated, that why I am diving to Ethereum