7 Top Coins in May (2018)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

there is a video link below for those who prefer an audio version

Good day guys, welcome to another episode of Cryptolite. As always at the end of the month, we do a post highlighting the top coins to pay attention to in the upcoming month, which for this video is the month of May. This selection of coins are not based on our personal preferences but recent events/ announcements and roadmaps.

Every month, we have a different number of coins to recommend you pay attention to, because some months there are more events and other months there are just less events. The month of May is looking to be a very busy run, we have not 3 or 5 coins to recommend, but 7 coins that we think have significant events happening this month. Also the market is picking up very nicely, we seem to be finally coming out of the bull run and since March, many people have been predicting May-June is when we will see the next bull run. I that happens, these are the coins that might FOMO the hardest, because they are going to the most publicity for these events.

The last thing I want to say before I begin, this video is only highlighting the coins and the events to look out for, it is not a full deep review of the coin as we usually do. If you want to learn more about this coin, subscribe and follow our channel as we will be doing a full review on each of this coin in the upcoming weeks closer to the events. Our community on Telegram also has a big say in which coin we review next, so if you would like to vote for a particular coin to be reviewed next, do join us in our telegram chat with the link in the description box below.
Alright! Without further ado, lets jump in to our top 7 coins for the month of May!

1 Ripple


Our first pick for the month of May is Ripple.

Ripple has been gaining some momentum in the past month, including Santander launching the first mobile app for global payments using Ripple’s Xcurrent, and very recently xVia announcing 5 new partners just a few days ago.

But momentum simply means the crypto community is aware and following this coin abit more closely, there still needs to be a catalyst event for the token price to take off in the month of May.


That event is Snoop Dog performing at a Ripple invite only, event in New York City on the 15th of May. Even though this article title says Snoop Dogg is promoting Ripple, technically he’s actually not promoting but performing at a Ripple Community Night.

Nonetheless, an event is going to attract a lot of attention and potential investors for Ripple, not just from the crypto community, but the active followers of the pop world.

Talking about social media events, our next coin to pay attention to is Substratum.

2 Substratum


This isn’t an upcoming event, its one that just happened 2 days ago. Basically substratum launced a mini-documentary that will be aired nationwide on Netneutrality about how Substratum is planning to decentralise the web.


The target audience number is 60 million homes. Yup, you heard right, not 60,000 homes, 60 million homes. And its 60million homes, not viewers. If each home had 3-4 viewers, that’s 180-240 million potential viwers. This might be the biggest publicity stunt any crypto project has ever pulled off to date. If even 1% of the viewers took note of substratum, that would be a enormous boost to the project.


Even though the mini documentary was launched yesterday on the third last day of April, it’s seen positive price action since 2 days ago and I think this is a momentum that will carry into early May.

There hasn’t actually been any major breakthrough in Substratum’s technology or any other major roadmap events coming up soon, so the momentum will likely settle after a week or two.



Our next coin we are going to keep an eye on in May is IOTA.


As you can see here, quite a few upcoming events happening for IOTA over the next 4 weeks. Today is the day they are doing the snapshot, tomorrow it is expected they will be listed on Cobinhood, the zero transaction fee crypto exchange, and on 13th May they have the Trinity Wallet Audit and on the 24th May, their co-founder Dominik Schneider will be attending TNW conference as a speaker.

The snapshot for IOTA by the way, is not an airdrop snapshot. Cos that’s what we usually link snap shots with. It’s actually part of the way they maintain their technology called Tangle and users get rewarded after. The significance of it is, to keep things simple, some users choose to only run a node after the snapshot rather than just before that, because it can be quite troublesome in converting after a snapshot. I won’t go into the technical details here, but if you’re interested, do look out for our upcoming IOTA full review later this month.

Now the many events they have isn’t the main anticipation of the month. The main anticipation for IOTA is a potential partnership.


So IOTA is partnered with Fujitsu. And recently that Intel is collarborating with Fujitsu on the very same project that Fujitsu is partnering with IOTA on, which is combining AI and IOT vision. So naturally a lot of people began speculating a potential partnership with IOTA. Whilst I don’t usually pay attention to speculations, I think this one may acutally happen and if it does, it will be big,


IOTA is currently sitting at $2.08, at its peak it was $5.0. So it still has a lot of room to recover, at the moment, its travelling with the pack, meaning its rise and fall is pretty close to Bitcoin’s and the overall market’s percentage rise. Hopefully May will see it stand out from the pack!

4 SophiaTx


Our 4th coin for May is one of my favorite coins currently, which is SophiaTx. SophiaTx has had a lot of momentum recently. 4 days ago it announced a partnership with Hyperledger, and about 10 days ago as well it was name “blockchain of the yea”r by CIO applications.

It was also in the top lists of enterprise security, which says a lot, because when we recommended SophiaTx as a good buy a couple of weeks ago, It’s token price was $0.19


and it was sitting somewhere around the 250 ranking on the market. So it’s unsual for a coin out of the top hundred to receive such honors such as “blockchain of the year”. However, in just 2 weeks, Sophia’s token price is now $0.58 and it is sitting around the 150 ranking on the market. So its price has triple and its ranking gone up a hundred in just 2 weeks.

SophiaTx is really a marketplace blockchain project, where they integrate their tech into SAP and other backbone systems that Forbe 500 hundred companies are currently using. The reason I’m telling you abit about their tech is because in May, they will be launching their marketplace, which basically means inviting businesses to start using them. This is a massive milestone for the project. Also where many blockchain projects often fall behind their roadmaps and delay the roadmap, Sophia has always been ahead of their roadmap. In fact, this release of marketplace is going to be done early because they are ahead of schedule.


Other very exciting events on their roadmap in the near future, but no exact dates given yet include, official wallet, developer platform, file storage, SAP connect which is their main integration into legacy systems. And finally their Mainnet is due in July 2018. So despite the very recent huge price point, I think SophiaTx is a winning project with a lot of room still to grow. I definitely recommend checking out our Sophia Tx review if you haven’t yet. It’s at least worth knowing what this coin is about.

5 Internet Node Token (INT)

Talking about small cap coins, another coin that’s flying under the radar is INT of (internet node token).


INT has a promotion happening right now,


where they are giving away 300,000 tokens to the community for joining their telegram group chat. Each person who joins gets 10tokens. And each referral is worth another 10 tokens. The crypto community always loves these kind of promotions, so it’s hopeful that their awareness in the community will start to pick up.

But the big news about INT this month is actually their mainnet is due to be launched by end of May!


They actually just had the beta of 2.0 released not long ago.

INT chain 2.0 was significant because it signalled a transition from just Proof of work to a hybrid mode of Proof of work and proof of stake. These days, everyone loves staking, no one loves Proof of work or mining. Once again, follow our channel to catch the in-depth review of INT coming soon.

Mainnnet Launch, is the biggest news any blockchain protocol or platform project can have, because it is their main product as a project. So if there’s ever going to be a time that INT will take off, mainnet will that time.

At its all time high, INT was sitting at $0.86, currently its only $0.38 so its certainly still got a long of room to grow as well.

6 Tron

Speaking of mainnets, two very big coins stand out in May for their upcoming mainnets. The first is Tron.


Tron has had an absolute killer of a month. Ever since mainnet was launched end of March, its just been gaining more and more momentum, and the price has been steadily rising. We predicted in march that Tron was going to have a great run, and it did. Tron is one of the most hyped coins in the crypto space, you either love it or hate it, but you cannot deny it has been doing really well. Post testnet, all their nodes have been running well, they have the most codes uploading regularly, meaning tech wise they are doing the most work, they also got listed on Bittrex and got a USD/ TrX pairing, meaning now they are officially a gateway crypto. So people can use Tron as an entry coin to get into the crypto market. Gateway coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple etc… get a lot of extra trading volume simply because people cannot buy small coins like SophiaTx directly with Fiat. They need to change their fiat first to a gateway currency before buying crypto-crypto. And now Tron is one of the big boys in the gateway list.

If Tron had all that momentum and price rise during their testnet, imagine what mainnet launch is going to do. Tron’s mainnet is going to be lauched on 31st May, and I’m expecting its price to start to rise at least 2 weeks before that. Already, the shilling has started,


Tron is promising mainnet will see 10,000 trx/sec, making it one of the fastest platforms currently on the market. Also Bittrex will support Tron main net launch.

What this means for those who are new to crypto space, is currently Tron is an ERC 20 token as the project is still on Ethereum. But with mainnet, they launch their own blockchain and their tokens have to be converted from ERC20 TRx tokens to native Tron tokens. Usually this involves a slightly troublesome process of moving to a private wallet etc.. but Binance was typically the only exchange that would do the token conversions for users. Lately more exchanges like Kucoin are also supporting more token swaps, but its big news that Bittrex will support Tron’s token swap.

6 weeks ago, Tron was stuck around the number 15ranking on the market, currently its now in the top 10, having pushed NEO out of the top 10. I can’t believe it, Tron’s taking over NEO! Nothing bad about Tron, I hold some Tron, so I’m glad the price is rising, but NEO’s a very solid project so I’m just waiting for NEO to have a good run sometime soon.


Currently Tron is sitting at $0.88, it’s all time high was $.30 and about 5-6 weeks ago it was struggling at the $0.03-$0.04 price point. So its gone up 2.5x in 6 weeks. My guess is that, if the market keeps rising,Tron price might hit $0.15 with mainnet launch, maybe even higher.

Alright, on a normal month, a coin with as big news as Tron would be the biggest coin of that month, but this is not a normal month and there is one coin with even more hype than Tron recently on the market, and that is of course EOS.



EOS has been an absolute beast in the last month.

A month ago, it was sitting just $5.00, and now its sitting just over $20. It’s seen 4x growth in just one month.



Furthermore, if you look at the big view, it is the only top 10 coin that has recovered to higher than its previous high. If you consider the fact that the average coin out there has only recovered to 1/3 of their previous high, the current price point of EOS is crazy.

Over the past two weeks, on days when other coins would see 5-8% growth, EOS would see 60-70% growth. Look at how steep and consistent that upward trend has been. In my opinion, in the past month, EOS is the only coin on the market that has seen a genuine bull run. To

The reason for the recent hype is manifold, including the launch of EOS Dawn 3.0, Etoro’s decision to offer trading for EOS, strategic partnership with Michael Cao and Winnie Liu for a $200 million fund and another $100 million joint venture with FinLab AG. So heaps and heaps of momentum.

The best part is EOS hasn’t even launched its mainnet yet, its mainnet is due on the 2nd of June. It’s not in May, but the FOMO is going to start in May, usually there is a lead up about 2 weeks before the news hits, but in this case, because they are so popular the FOMO may start earlier.


Will it dip before the mainnet FOMO? The investor’s intuition is yes, there should be a correction soon. But the truth is, in this market, no one knows for sure.

Currently EOS is sitting at number 5. Couple of months ago it was sitting comfortably at number 10, and just a few weeks ago there was news about them competing with Litecoin for number 7, but now they’ve shot past litecoin and even cardano and their marketcap now is more than double Litecoin’s. It’s just crazy. EOS is definitely a coin to watch out in May.

So that’s it guys. Our top coins in May to pay attention to. This is just our personal speculation, none of this is financial advice or professional advice. Always do your own homework and make your own decision.


What are your top 5 coins you like?


very Good the post

sweet . nice list