We are going up!
How far are we actually going?
This is the question a lot of us traders will have right now, the only thing I can say about that right now I treat this as a bounce to sell any alt coins that are maybe just about in profit or are in a slight loss. Remember I am not talking about huge losses here. If you know market structure a little bit then you know that when a market falls, it also needs to bounce a bit while walling, I think we're experiencing one of those bounces right now and I still think that we could fall to $1800-1900 levels.
Market Cap Analysis
In order for me to think a bit more bullish about the current market we're in I would like to see the market cap to go above 90 Billion USD. That would really tell me we're in a bullish environment again, but for now I see this merely as a correction of the dip. Just like in a bullish environment we'll have corrections in this bear market as well.

if you are LONG the size of the run doesnt matter. as long as it keeps running :)
True for long term investors it doesn't matter, just for us traders really. I am long on some things but I still sell when it's time, but only if you know how to read charts otherwise yea cryptos in general are a great investment