What is Cryptorobotics?

In the stock market traders have been using desktop terminals for trading on stock exchanges for more than 10
Functional and modern terminals on stock exchanges fulfill all the assigned tasks: they output scalable asset
schedules, put indicators on them and independently read the required markers of these indicators,
automatically create proposals according to the strategies laid down in them, monitor the indicators of the
stock exchange and trade deposit, and etc.
This allows us to assert that trading terminals on the stock market have become indispensable tools for traders.
According to the forecast of experts in 2024 the number of participants of a cryptocurrency market will exceed
200 000 000 people and will outstrip the indicators of a classicalstock market.
CryptoRobotics creates a cross-platform desktop terminal for trading on cryptocurrency exchange, introduces
the usual tools for algotrading and creates new analytical and intelligent solutions in the development of robots
for trading in new markets, applying the best experience of the stock and currency market.

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A powerful project, I feel it myself.

This project is doomed to success!

Finally something that's really worth attention!

Interesting project! I have already read your Whitepaper and it seems to be one of the most interesting ICO. Good job guys!

This is one of the most interesting projects so far, I'm a cryptocurrency trader and i cant hold my excitement - planning on using the tools and features promised