Thanks @fullcoverbetting! I appreciate that :-)
You are right, some big players are not included. First I thought that was because they haven't released their mainnet, but that is not it. Otherwise we wouldn't see Cardano in there.
I haven't really found out how things are scored within the themes though. I can imagine for the tech they mainly looked at Github.
Also I haven't compared with Weiss ratings :-)
In general I don't really believe in these rating systems when scoring criteria are not fully public ;-)
Me neither but still we so give value to it. Maybe not clear and open but the first thing we do is to search for the coins where we have invested in!
Besides this ratings does give some credibility to the crypto world.
Now I do think of it. Strange that the Chinese government didn’t put Neo on the first place!
They have to make it a bit believable I guess ;-)
Or it was done on purpose, so that it can climb the rankings :)