DW Van Hook's Crypto Resource Guide 2018 Edition
Magazines and Blogs
Cryptoworld superheroes interviews. Fascinating facts, teams insides and success stories. https://cryptohackers.party/ CryptoHackers
The leading publication offering latest news, analysis, expert opinions, community commentaries. Founded in 2013. https://cointelegraph.com/ CoinTelegraph
CoinDesk is the world leader in news and information on digital currencies. 17M mothly users. []
NewsFresh news and analysis. This huge blog posts very frequently. Approx. 7M readers monthly. https://www.coindesk.com/ CoinDesk http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/ CryptoCoins
Bitcoin Magazine is the oldest and most established source of news, information and expert commentaries. Sometimes posts deep and very interesting articles. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/ Bitcoin Magazine
99 Bitcoins is the largest information source for non technical newbies. https://99bitcoins.com/ 99 Bitcoins
Founded in 2014, CoinSpeaker is one of the most influentional news source. https://www.coinspeaker.com/ Coin Speaker
Satoshi Nakamoto Institute blog. http://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/ The Memory Pool
Blog of director of market research at R3. http://www.ofnumbers.com/category/bitcoin/ Tim Swanson Blog
Blog of hardcore developer, product architect at Chain.com. http://blog.oleganza.com/ Oleg Andreev Blog
Princeton hosted tech blog: researches and experts commentaries. https://freedom-to-tinker.com/tag/bitcoin/ Freedom to Tinker
Blog of Erik Voorhees, CEO of leading digital asset exchange ShapeShift.io http://moneyandstate.com/ Money and State
Blog of Bitcoin developer. http://gavinandresen.ninja/ Gavin Andersesn Blog
Blog of Todd, the applied cryptography consultant. https://petertodd.org/ Peter Todd Blog
Blog of Head of Technology at R3CEV. https://gendal.me/tag/bitcoin/ Richard Brown Blog
Blog of Bitcoin core developer and reverse engineer. https://laanwj.github.io/ Laanwj Blog
World’s premier cryptocurrency news analysis. https://www.cryptoanalyst.co/ Crypto Analyst
Cryptocurrency And Blockchain News.
https://bitrazzi.com/ BitrazziBitcoin
Ethereum creator, cryptocurrency evangelist. https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin Vitalik Buterin
All About Bitcoin Development. https://bitcointechtalk.com/ Bitcoin Tech Talk
Economist, investor, editor in chief at Adamant Research. https://medium.com/@tuurdemeester Tuur Demeester
CEO of Civic.com. https://vinnylingham.com/ Vinny Lingham
Main developer of NBitcoin. CTO at Metaco SA. https://medium.com/@nicolasdorier Nicolas Dorier
https://thecontrol.co/@ntmoney Nick Tomaino
Tech investor @RunaCapital.
Co-CEO, CTO Ciphrex Corp., Bitcoin Core contributor. https://medium.com/@elombrozo Eric Lombrozo
Bitcoin Developer and Entrepreneur. https://medium.com/@jimmysong Jimmy Song
Main developer of NBitcoin. CTO at Metaco SA. https://medium.com/@nicolasdorier Nicolas Dorier
Product Manager @Coinbase. Advisor @0xProject. https://medium.com/@linda.xie Linda Xie
https://medium.com/@FEhrsam Fred Ehrsam
Previously co-founder @Coinbase, trader @GoldmanSachs, computer science @DukeU.
Making sense of the latest in crypto-land: cryptocurrencies, blockchains, ICOs, dapps and the growing token economy. https://tokeneconomy.co/ Token Economy
Blockchain, crypto original researches.
https://medium.com/the-midas-guide The Midas Guide
Telegram channels
Cryptoworld funny pictures. https://t.me/join_cryptomemes Crypto Memes
The god of all crypto channels. https://t.me/Crypto Crypto
This channel is dedicated to informing people of up and coming ICO's. https://t.me/UpcomingICOs UpcomingICOs
Cryptocurrency news megafeed that is posted in real time, even before they hit social media. https://t.me/bitcoinnews CryptoNews
Ethereum DAPPS news and updates.
https://t.me/ethereumdapps Ethereum dapps
News Aggregators
CoinBuzz aggregates news from many sources (Twitter, Reddit, Google Trends etc) and displays it in the Trello style. https://coinbuzz.stream/ CoinBuzz
CryptoPanic is news aggregator platform indicating impact on price and market for traders and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. https://cryptopanic.com/ CryptoPanic
ETHNews is emerging provider of Ethereum and Blockchain ecosystem news. https://www.ethnews.com ETHNews
Get the latest cryptocurrency, bitcoin & blockchain news from many news sources. https://coinspectator.com/ Coin Spectator
CoinTerminal instantly aggregates, summarizes and analyzes market chatter for sentiment and streams it in real-time. https://site.cointerminal.co/ CoinTerminal
CoinsCalendar displays all upcoming coins events and updates. http://www.coinscalendar.com/ CoinsCalendar
Be first to know about coming cryptocurrency news, updates, hard forks, meetups, coins listing on exchanges and other important events. https://coindar.org/ CoinDar
Mature cryptocurrency news and charts app for iOS.
https://itunes.apple.com/app/btcnews-bitcoin-cryptocurrency/id946903421 BTCnews
Price Trackers
Altcoins Racing shows the price change winners and losers. https://altcoins.racing/ Altcoins Racing
Old and cool. All coins prices, graphs, market caps. API, widgets, tools. Used by 90M monthly users. https://coinmarketcap.com/ CoinMarketcap
CoinCap tracks market data for hundreds of cryptocurrencies in real-time. They also have very useful mobile app. http://coincap.io/ Coincap
Live price charts and market data for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. Many exchanges, flexible settings and cool API. https://cryptowat.ch Cryptowatch
Charts and Stats for Bitfinex market data and margin funding. https://www.bfxdata.com/ Bfxdata
Live Bitcoin/Litecoin charts with EMA, MACD and other indicators. Support many exchanges (Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Coinbase, Bittrex, Poloniex etc). https://bitcoinwisdom.com Bitcoinwisdom
When will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin and become the most important cryptocurrency? http://www.flippening.watch/ Flippening Watch
Beautiful cryptocurrency price tracker for iOS. https://coindexapp.com Coindex
Realtime cryptocurrency price monitoring tool. Lots of altcoins and many fiat currencies. https://www.worldcoinindex.com/ WorldCoinIndex
Cryptocurrency trading platform. Charts, news and trollbox. Add widgets to customize the look. https://cryptrader.com/ CryptoTrader
Daily email update with price changes of customizable coins. https://coindailyupdate.com Coin Daily Update
Real time cryptocurrency price alerts for 2,000+ coins on 25+ exchanges.
https://coindera.com/ Coindera
ICO Trackers
Very informative and trusted tracker. https://icotracker.net ICOtracker
Weekly ICO digest. https://theicodigest.com The ICO digest
See ICO stats: ROI, total investments, status and other information. https://www.tokendata.io/ TokenData
Live Token Sales and ICOs. https://www.coinschedule.com CoinSchedule
Informative website + ICOs alerts. https://icobazaar.com/list ICO Bazaar
Independent research on blockchain startups and ICOs. https://picoloresearch.com/ Picoloresearch
Curated list of ongoing and upcoming token sales. Have some research tiers. https://www.smithandcrown.com/icos/ Smith + Crown ICO list
ICOrating specializes in evaluating companies with planned ICO. http://icorating.com/ ICORating
Source for analysis of active and upcoming Initial Coin Offerings. https://www.icoalert.com/ ICO Alert
TokenMarket is marketplace for tokens, digital assets and blockchain based investing. https://tokenmarket.net TokenMarket
Constantly updating kanban style ICO board. https://icodrops.com/ ICOdrops
Articles on ICOs. Also tracks growth of 200+ Telegram groups for ICOs.
http://icowhitelists.com ICO Whitelists
Buy and sell bitcoins near you. Trusted by 10M monthly users. https://localbitcoins.com/ Local Bitcoins
[] https://www.poloniex.com/ PoloniexUSA. Trust: 3.5/5. Tons of altcoins. Poor support.
[] https://www.coinbase.com CoinBaseUSA. Trust: 5/5. Pay with fiat.
[] https://www.kraken.com/ KrakenUSA. Trust: 5/5. Founded in 2011.
[] https://www.bittrex.com BittrexUSA. Trust: 3.8/5. Many altcoins.
[] https://cex.io/ CEX.IOUK. Trust: 5/5. Fiat. Newbie friendly.
ExchangeCurated list of 35 popular exchanges. Looks SEOish but does the job well. https://www.bestbitcoinexchange.io/ BestBitcoin
No login, fast, awesome API. https://shapeshift.io Shapeshift
Fiat, nice affiliate program. https://changelly.com/ Changelly
Compares prices and features from > 25 exchanges and brokers. https://cryptoradar.co Cryptoradar
Modern exchange with the lowest fees and it's own token. https://www.binance.com Binance
Modern. Evolving really fast. Has it's own token.
https://www.kucoin.com Kucoin
Hot news discussions, rumors and friendly talks. No cersorship. https://t.me/join_trollbox The Moon Trollbox
Official CryptoHackers Telegram chat. The place to talk to founders of your favourite crypto startups and apps. []
Great community (Telegram, Slack). Curated by Joshua Petty, the Coindex creator. 800+ members. https://t.me/join_cht The CHT Community https://cryptoaquarium.com Crypto Aquarium
Friendly Discord community. 300+ members. https://discordapp.com/invite/VpPrGmF?ref=cryptominded Bitpam
Telegram discussion about Bitcoin and Bitcoin Core. 2000+ members. https://t.me/BitcoinCore Bitcoin Core Community
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency price discussion. The official Slack of /r/bitcoinmarkets. 4000+ members. https://self-inviter-slack2.herokuapp.com/ BitcoinMarkets
Official Blockstack Slack community. 3000+ members. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSed5Mnu0G5ZMJdWs6cTO_8sTJfUVfe1sYL6WFDcD51_XuQkZw/viewform Blockstack
All things crypto: events, jobs, trades, news. 1000+ Slack members. http://community.cryptominded.com/ CryptoMinded
Old good IRC. The channel of 200 silent people.
https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bitcoin&uio=d4/ IRC #bitcoin channel
Fresh Bitcoin forum with focus on cryptocurrency tools and resources. https://cryptoheresy.com CryptoHeresy
Homepage of the Bitcoin community from the start. Made by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. https://bitcoinTalk.org/ Bitcoin Talk
Strong community of 30,000+ users. https://forum.bitcoin.com/ Bitcoin.com Forum
This young forum has appeared in Jan 2017. https://bitcoingarden.org BitcoinGarden
Born in 2013, very active forum. Modern engine.
https://cryptocurrencytalk.com/ CryptoCurrencyTalk
CryptoCompare is interactive platform where you can discuss the latest crypto trends and monitor all markets streaming in real time. Also includes perfect altfoilio app. https://www.cryptocompare.com Cryptocompare
Follow pro traders and learn from their analyzes. (Mr. Lavrov is great specialist). https://www.tradingview.com/u/DLavrov/ Trading View
Question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/ Bitcoin on StackExchange
Discuss Bitcoin news on Reddit. 300,000+ readers. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/ /r/Bitcoin/
Better than Reddit running on a blockchain. Post to earn $. Spend $ to promote yourself.[*] https://steemit.com Steemit
Coinality is free service connecting crypto employers and job seekers. https://coinality.com/ Coinality
Bitcoin freelance platform. https://www.cryptogrind.com/ Cryptogrind
Curated list of jobs from around the web for blockchain engineers. https://blockchaindevjobs.com/ Blockchain Dev Jobs
Hire or work for ETH. https://ethlance.com Ethlance
Place on Reddit to offer your talents and skills in exchange for the fastest growing currency in the world. https://www.reddit.com/r/Jobs4Bitcoins/ /r/Jobs4Bitcoins/
Well categorized jobs list. Owner does a lot to promote it. https://crypto.jobs Crypto.jobs
Aggregates all the crypto jobs from major job boards. https://beincrypto.com Beincrypto
Useful filters, locations and categories. http://blockrepublic.io/blockchain-jobs/ Jobs by BlockRepublic
Curated jobs from top verified blockchain companies.
https://cryptojobslist.com/ Crypto Jobs List
Bitcoin Core is MIT licensed open source Bitcoin wallet. It runs own full node so 145GG of free disk space is required. OSX/Linux/Windows/Ubuntu. https://bitcoin.org/en/download Bitcoin Core
World’s most popular digital wallet. Mobile apps included. https://blockchain.info/wallet/#/ Blockchain.info
Thin Bitcoin client. Opensource, MIT, has 100+ contributors. https://electrum.org/#home Electrum
Exodus is the first desktop multi-asset wallet with ShapeShift built in. https://www.exodus.io Exodus
Opensource webapp to access Ethereum. Old and reliable. ERC20 support. Loved by phishers! https://www.myetherwallet.com MyEtherWallet
Opensource, supports many altcoins, fast and has perfect UI. https://coinomi.com/ Coinomi
Reliable, Jaxx supports many of the leading cryptocurrency platforms. Crossplatform. https://jaxx.io Jaxx
Reliable hardware wallet. Supports BTC/ETH/ETC/DASH/DOGE and many more coins and ERC20 tokens. https://www.ledgerwallet.com Ledger Hardware
The first and most secure hardware wallet. Supports BTC/ETH/ETC/DASH/ and many more coins and ERC20 tokens. https://trezor.io Trezor Hardware
Buy Bitcoin for $, NFC payments, requested payments. https://www.coinbase.com/ CoinBase
Geeky wallet, easy to set miners fee, rich transaction details. https://wallet.mycelium.com MyCelium
Secure Bitcoin wallet for Android. https://samouraiwallet.com/ Samourai
Showcase your public cryptocurrency addresses. https://walletlist.me WalletList
Universal JavaScript client-side wallet generator for 100+ coins.
https://walletgenerator.net WalletGenerator.net
Cryptocurrency management, with easy to use tools to keep track of all your cryptocurrency investments. Nice widgets. Simple. Android/iOS. https://www.blockfolio.com/ Blockfolio
Track bitcoin and altcoins prices, custom alarms, detailed charts. Flexible, many settings, informative. Available for iOS and Android. https://dworks.in/acrypto ACrypto
The only tool you need for showcasing, tracking and sharing your cryptocurrency investments. http://www.altpocket.io Altpocket
Track your performance, news and market signals related to your cryptocurrency investments. Anonymous. Simple. Free. https://coin.fyi Coinfyi
Beatutiful cryptocurrency portfolio management for mobile devices. https://f0l.io f0lio
Cryptocurrency Net Worth Tracker for iOS. http://www.bitworth.io/ BitWorth
iOS app that lets you stay up to date with the cryptocurrency markets you want to
watch. https://coindexapp.com CoinDex
Ultimate cryptocurrency portfolio tracker tool for iOS and Android. https://getdelta.io/ Delta
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency portfolio tracker for iOS/Android. https://cryptocentral.ai Crypto Central
Powerful app to track portfolio. Automatic imports from exchanges. https://cryptagon.io Cryptagon
Portfolio tracking, social, forum, chat, ico listings, news aggregator, crypto academy. Android/iOS.
https://www.cryptonomynow.com/ Cryptonomy
Useful Tools
With this free tool you can instantly generate QR code for your Bitcoin/Litecoin/Ethereum/Dogecoin address. []
Discover the Bitcoin blockchain blocks online. Includes fees and miners information. https://bitcoinqrcodegenerator.win/ QR Code Generator https://tradeblock.com/bitcoin/ Block Explorer
Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Ethereum. https://etherscan.io EtherScan
Consumer oriented metrics for the Ethereum Gas Market. http://ethgasstation.info ETH Gas Station
Run Ethereum dApps right in your browser without running full node. https://metamask.io/ Metamask
Find Bitcoin ATM’s in your country. https://bitcoinatmmap.com/ ATM Map
Realtime Bitcoin node stats. Made by Jameson Lopp. https://statoshi.info Statoshi
Find "oversold" and "overbought" cryptocurrencies. http://rsihunter.com/ RSIhunter
Google Sheets add-on to get cryptocurrencies rate in spreadsheets. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cryptofinance/bhjnahcnhemcnnenhgbmmdapapblnlcn CryptoFinance
Personalized chatbot that controls your portfolio. Receive news and signal notifications. https://beta.brobot.tech/ BroBot
Generate custom key addresses for 90+ coins. https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus Vanitygen Plus
Create shareable page for all your cryptocurrency donation addresses.
https://coinpop.me/ CoinPop.me
YouTube Channels
Your cryptocurrency news dose. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLnQ34ZBSjy2JQjeRudFEDw The Cryptoverse
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsRWmIL5XKqFtdytBfeX0g Crypto Crow Jason Appleton is a popular crypto vlogger.
Informative news digests. https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldCryptoNetwork World Crypto Network
[] https://www.youtube.com/user/obham001 Crypt0 Omar is one of the most popular crypto bloggers. He creates fascinating interviews.
[] https://www.youtube.com/user/AmeerRosic Ameer Rosic News, interviews, podcasts and reviews.
[] https://www.youtube.com/user/aantonop/featured aantonop Presentations, discussions, QA by Andreas, the author of "Mastering Bitcoin".
CoinSummit records: startups showcases, discussions and presentations. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr4QRCZDXrCecaV2w4nuLeQ/ CoinSummit
Short films about people using Bitcoin. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC42Y8ajCzQ_rjS_wVTamglQ BitcoinFilm
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies course. 12 videos, each 45-90 mins. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNcSSleedtfyDuhBvOQzFzQ/videos Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Course
YouTube channel reviewing ICOs and various cryptocurrencies. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI9POyyP-f93JHfkhr2ma2g/featured CryptoPortfolio
Technical and fundamental analysis on how to
invest in cryptocurrency. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAEktd4wejD_N4aPyDPD3zw CryptoBud
Ancient Ethereum news, reviews and interviews channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/EtherCasts EtherCasts
Great list of 55 Bitcoin talks. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL05dEp7goGNiKWYdiE4nurEPFMmF9XpzF Bitcoin Playlist
Great beginner guides. Trading and investing advices, podcasts and meetups.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnePINazJJpbn9FWaq_skQA/featured BiteSizeBitcoin
Real-life conversations with some thought leaders within the Bitcoin ecosystem. The film took 3 years to complete. http://www.iamsatoshi.com/ Ulterior States
The Bitcoin DocFascinating story focusing on the emergence of new world wide currency.
Life Inside Secret Chinese Bitcoin MineInteresting story about the miners of the new millenium.
Mostly for developers. The second edition was published in June 2017. https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook Mastering Bitcoin
Significance of bitcoin through series of essays spanning the exhilarating maturation of this technology. https://www.amazon.com/Internet-Money-Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/dp/1537000454 The Internet of Money
Non-technical guide to understand blockchains. Mostly focused on Ethereum. https://www.amazon.com/Ethereum-Blockchains-Decentralized-Autonomous-Organizations/dp/1523930470 Ethereum
Insight into the modern financial system and the Bitcoin industry.
https://www.amazon.com/Age-Cryptocurrency-Blockchain-Challenging-Economic/dp/1250081556 The Age of Cryptocurrency
Telling what is special about Bitcoin and how it works at technical level. Created by Princeton University. https://www.coursera.org/learn/cryptocurrency Coursera Course
The definitive guide to understand what the bitcoin is and why we should care about them. https://www.udemy.com/bitcoin-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-crypto Udemy Course
The very basics of how blockchain, Bitcoin and encryption works. https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/core-finance/money-and-banking/bitcoin/v/bitcoin-what-is-it Khan's Academy Course
Introduction to Bitcoin and decentralized technology for beginners.
https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/bitcoin-decentralized-technology Pluralsight Course
Other Education
The most important crypto news and events. One handcrafted email per week. https://club.coinpride.com CoinPride Newsletter
Technical specifications of the protocol as well as more basic information about how to buy, sell or use bitcoins. []
This interactive demo will guide you through each component of blockchain step-by-step. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Main_Page Bitcoin Wiki http://blockchaindemo.io/ Blockchain Demo
The guide is meant to serve as both easy-to-understand introduction to the world of cryptocurrencies. https://mycrypto.guide/ MyCryptoGuide
List of known scams, HYIPs and Ponzi schemes. http://www.badbitcoin.org Bad Bitcoin
The Crowdsourced Ethereum Reading List. https://github.com/Scanate/EthList EthList
Bitcoin fundamentals described by the creator. https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf Satoshi Nakamoto WhitePaper
Detailed information about the Bitcoin protocol and related specifications. https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide Bitcoin Developer Docs
All bitcoin forks visualisation. http://mapofcoins.com/bitcoin Bitcoin Forks
Visual demonstration of how bitcoin transactions work. https://coindemo.io Coin Demo
Bitcoin webcomic (with educational notes).
https://www.rhymeswithfiat.com Rhymes With Fiat
Accepting Bitcoin payments made easy. Great integration from Stripe. https://stripe.com/bitcoin/ Stripe Bitcoin
Embed exchange in your app. Trusted by hundreds of apps. https://info.shapeshift.io/api Shapeshift
Almighty API. You can do anything with it. https://bittrex.com/home/api Bittrex
The biggest exchange API. PHP and Python wrapper. https://poloniex.com/support/api/ Poloniex
Public REST API, providing basic information about all markets on Cryptowatch. https://cryptowat.ch/docs/api CryptoWatch
Blockchain as Service (BaaS) from Microsoft Azure. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/solutions/blockchain/ Microsoft BaaS
Powerful JSON API covering 1000+ coins. Limit: 1 request per 6 sec. https://coinmarketcap.com/api/ CoinMarketCap
Simple and informative. Lots of altcoins. History data. No limits.
https://github.com/CoinCapDev/CoinCap.io" CoinCap
Use BitPay's retail, ecommerce, billing, and donation tools to accept payments. https://bitpay.com/ Bitpay
Free and open source trading bot. GUI, CLI, NodeJS, nice docs. 18 exchanges (including Bitfinex, Bitstamp and Poloniex). https://github.com/askmike/gekko Gekko
Free and open source trading bot. CLI, NodeJS. GDAX, Poloniex, Kraken, Bittrex, Quadriga and Gemini. https://github.com/carlos8f/zenbot Zenbot
Ethereum JS API. Requires nodejs, npm and running node. https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js Web3.js
OpenZeppelin is open framework of reusable and secure smart contracts in the Solidity language. 1500+ Slack community members. https://openzeppelin.org OpenZeppelin
[] https://www.ethereum.org/cli GETHCLI tools for Ethereum. Python, C++, Go implementations.
Framework for serverless Decentralized Applications using Ethereum, IPFS and other platforms. JS. https://github.com/iurimatias/embark-framework Embark
The most popular framework for Ethereum. JS.
http://truffleframework.com/ Truffle
The Podcast at the Forefront of the Decentralized Technology Revolution. https://epicenter.tv/ Epicenter
Learn about blockchain and fintech. http://www.bitcoin.kn/ Bitcoin Knowledge
Dedicated to educating the world on the power of blockchain based technologies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ZCash. https://soundcloud.com/blockchannelshow BlockChannel
Exploring the verifiable computing space through the lens of Ethereum. https://etherreview.info/tagged/podcast Ether Review
Exploring the verifiable computing space through the lens of Ethereum. https://etherreview.info/tagged/podcast Bitcoin Uncensored
Podcast from the popular ICO tracking platform.
https://www.icoalert.com/podcast ICO Alert Podcast
Mining profitability calculators. Help choosing perfect coin to mine. https://www.coinwarz.com CoinWarz
Find the most profitable cryptocurrencies to mine. https://whattomine.com WhatToMine?
Realtime Mining Statistics. https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty Bitcoin Difficulty
Mining pool hashrate distribution. https://blockchain.info/pools Mining pools
Measure your browser's hashrate. http://www.whatismyhashrate.com/ WhatIsMyHashRate?
Show some love for this work and if I'm missing anything leave it in a reply...