Huge difference. How can you compare Tauchain to Bitconnect? Bitconnect promised to pay people back some loan, and promised some rewards to people who gave loans. There is a case that can be made that Bitconnect is a security because profit sharing was promised.
Ohad has never promised us any kind of profit sharing. There was no agreement that I'm aware of to get any percentage of any profit from anything Ohad does. I cannot speak for everyone but only for my own support of the Tauchain project. I consider it supporting science, and realize that the only thing promised by Ohad is to deliver functioning code.
The article you cite is of course years old. It discusses a previous iteration of Tau which isn't the one we are talking about now. It's by some random programmer who didn't grasp or understand Tau but this doesn't mean no programmer other than that programmer understands Tau enough to want to support the effort. Tau doesn't need a coin and doesn't have a coin. Agoras is the coin we purchased and Tau is being developed in order to launch Agoras (it was a token sale not an ICO).