Scottish rehabilitation center treats cryptocurrency addiction / Why the high power consumption of Bitcoin is probably not a problem for the environment
You are so right in your post the funny thing is a few days back I told my brother to add a few cryptos as payment method in his company it will give him free advertisement and will help cryptos as well :)
Addiction is a real problem. Whether it is an addiction to games, gambling, women or trading crypto. Anything excess is bad is my perspective. We should control our limit in this matter so we will not end up like what happen to some people who committed suicide because of overdoing this. This is useful information. Great read
Yup I agree with you but I think everybody has it in his own hands I did a lot of things in my life very excessive but never got addicted to it. It all comes back to self-control and a strong mind if you don't have it better do not things in a excessive way.
Thanks for you comment and have a nice day and weekend :)
How can you call that an addiction?, even though are on the phone all the day or on the laptop posting, spending your time or working with cryptocurrency, it could be a matter of you have pot something that worth like money on it, and the fact to be pending on it means you may lose money and the time you invest in that, I think nobody wanted to lose something costs time and money... and if you have some kind excess in your life it doesn't mean you are mind strong enough cause you could be addicted and wont be able to recognize it at first sight.
The cost of bitcoin constantly beats all its records. For such a state, there are a number of reasons for crypto currency. It is quite difficult to evaluate bitcoin, but it's worth trying to look at it in perspective, given the data already known to us. Many conditions are relevant for any time, here are the 6 most important of them:
Venture capital
Most start-ups that make crypto currency and blockade the most effective and generally available are supported by venture capital. Different payment systems receive sufficient profit from the network effect, for them the set of turns is extremely important. The number of venture capital that came to this sphere was not far from the indicator of the previous year.
I am agree with you. The addiction may be based on the timeline for example, to involve in the bitcoin was super addiction around 2010. If you were addicted to bitcoin around these years there was no negative effect, but now the addiction may be harm you and your health.
You received a 26.09% upvote from @brotherhood thanks to @liquidcrypto!, join on @brotherhood community on discord channel: and share your post there. Delegate to Bot and Get High Return Fix 100% earning return, bidders will always win something and it will adapt to distribute all the 100% upvote ,now we reached to 13000 SP and recommend. send the 0.15 to 0.4 sbd or steem.
Very interesting post. Its good that someone somewhere decided to give a name to this disease and have a treatment for it. But not everyone would willingly admit they are addicted. Even if they do, this kind of treatment is not available everywhere.
I just created my account a few minutes ago and don't really know how this whole thing works yet, but I had to leave a comment on your post not only because it is totally awesome, but it's the first post that I came across as well. I always joke how I am a total crypto fien, I have a degree in psychology and have a background working with people who suffer from addiction, so this doesn't surprise me at all. I do think it's interesting that they are classifying it as a separate disease instead of just categorizing it under "gambling addiction." Common sense would tell me that gambling is gambling is gambling; however, I can see some wanting to break it down into its own niche just like alcoholics consider that to be different than a drug addict.
Honestly, anything can become an addiction, whether it is good or bad for you. I am a total fitness freak, however working out is great for you, so people don't view that as a problem. If you have an addictive personality you can pretty much become addicted to anything.
I know for me; personally, I tend to overdo anything that I get involved with. That is just my nature. I am tempted to go to an AA meeting and introduce myself as, "I am Dominique, and I am a crpytoholic hahaha.
Thanks for the great post and I look forward to reading more of your stuff!
Welcome to Steemit and thank you for this very nice comment I am sure if you keep writing comments like this one you will get a lot of new friends very fast. I am following you now and I am looking forward to see some posts of you.
Have a nice day and a awesome weekend c ya soon (:
When I first started investing in crypto I was spending all day, every day, watching to charts. I was so stressed that I had to balance myself by smoking weed all of the time. I became reclusive, ignored my friendships and my health decreased. It was not good.... I can totally see how people could develop a crypto addiction. Glad to see there are people working to help those in need
This post I can relate very well with. I confuse I am an addict to cryptocurrency. Since I started learning crypto last August things have change significant for me.
It feels real real bad right now for me but mentally I try to stay positive and collect my pieces of life and try to put something decent together to call a life worth living.
I would have never thought the things that happened to me recently would be because of crypto but here I am having to deal with it.
Hopefully this gets out more and help others avoid pitfalls of cryptos. Thanks.
Agree, but the cost of mining must help give Bitcoin more of a price floor. I'm more confident in the current price knowing those mining it have invested a lot to get it.
For now. Ethereum is gaining ground and I guess going to switch to POW. If Bitcoin ever does collapse in prices the miners might shut down which could be the demise of Bitcoin.
Thanks for the upvote. I'd upvote your reply but there is a .02 payout threshold. If you ever get some more SBD you might want to sign up for @dustsweeper.
Agree, but the cost of mining must help give Bitcoin more of a price floor. I'm more confident in the current price knowing those mining it have invested a lot to get it.
I felt confused with the title haha, I have heard that everything in the process is bad or maybe we should say that every addiction is bad, but I think that bitcoin has created a total exception.
We have decided to put our money and our faith in a mathematical structure that is free of human or political errors. Bitcoin will make the banks what the email did to the postal industry.
The Seattle-based exchange, one of the largest in the world, will roll out USD pairings for BTC, USDT and TrueUSD
Initially only available for corporate customers in some states, Bittrex intends to expand the service to retail customers
Bittrex, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has said that it has made banking agreements that will allow some of its customers to trade crypto for US dollars.
According to the report in Bloomberg, the Seattle-based exchange is working with New York-headquartered Signature Bank to provide the service for corporate clients in certain states - with the bank and some other firms holding the dollar funds.
In an interview, Bittrex CEO Bill Shihara explained how this move is a significant milestone not just for Bittrex, but for the industry as a whole:
“It’s been a long path. It’s not just about banks being able to trust Bittrex. It’s about banks being able to trust crypto in general. And I think it’s really showing that crypto is turning the corner in terms of mainstream acceptance.”
Bill Shihara
Shihara also explained how the traditional banking industry is wary of the cryptocurrency market:
“They really do look and pore through the entire business. They want to make sure that we’ve got robust AML/KYC processes, that we’ve got the right controls on our finances. They do background checks and everything. They really look at our business soup to nuts.”
Bill Shihara
Set to launch fiat trading on Thursday for Bitcoin, Tether and TrueUSD, these pairings for regulatory reasons will only be available to corporate clients in California, New York, Washington and Montana. According to the report however, the exchange intends to expand to retail customers in the future.
With Bittrex offering one of the highest number of crytpocurrency pairings in the world, and a customer base of 3 million users, the new announcement is an important development for the fledgling industry as it pushes more and more into the mainstream.
Cryptocurrency addiction? I have never heard of 'Stock addiction' or 'Work Addiction. It seems somewhat odd that crypto would be treated as such and seems to be just another ploy to invalidate those that have trust in the block-chain.
I totally agree with you, I didn't read the comments before stating my opinion. I apologize for that, but that is exactly my opinion. If they are going to take gambling addiction and add so many niches under that than the list will be never-ending. I love to shoot dice, bet on boxing and basketball and now I am a crypto addict lol.. I would just say I am a gambler. I also love to shop, however none of thesethings have ruined my life in a way that would classify me as a typical "addict". I would never spend my last or go rob a bank to buy BTC hahahha.
Which in itself is absurd. Gambling implies that the odds are unpredictable. With cryptocurrencies there is a lot that can be done to determine risk, i.e, it is an investment. Do they believe that a failed investment is gambling? If so, why are they not cracking down on brokers?
Crypto came with so much of innovation and a lots of new stuff that ppl who loved it wanted to know more and more n more about it, indeed for that ppl spent a lot of time. Which might look addicted to non-crypto guys
Whole crypto world was so dynamic that investors had an expectation to grow fast as well save them self’s from sudden falls so that’s the reason ppl were more concerns and did check the market quite frequently, . Which might look addicted to non-crypto guys
It is not like traditional market, best part of it is that its 24x7x365 so yes ppl does the activities related to crypto as per their time n comfort and . Which might look addicted to non-crypto guys
You make really good points. For the uninformed, it certainly may look like an addiction. But then I would say that those same points could be pointed at commodities like Gold and Silver... I think that there are currently a lot of people who trade Crypto on a day to day basis and the patterns might seem addicting but is it any different from any other market? I might argue that Binary options traders are addicted, but for them, it may be an income like any other.
I think it would be more honest to say that people are addicted to money, not cryptocurrency...
I totally agree with you, I didn't read the comments before stating my opinion. I apologize for that, but that is exactly my opinion. If they are going to take gambling addiction and add so many niches under that than the list will be never-ending. I love to shoot dice, bet on boxing and basketball and now I am a crypto addict lol.. I would just say I am a gambler. I also love to shop, however none of thesethings have ruined my life in a way that would classify me as a typical "addict". I would never spend my last or go rob a bank to buy BTC hahahha.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I would say that "work addiction" would be better known as a workaholic, so yes I have heard of work addiction. I have never heard of stock addiction either, I think that this would all be the same as gambling addiction. For someone to actually separate crypto as its own addiction all together is crazy to me, if that is the case then why isn't there a stock addiction, lotto addiction, scratch off addiction, sports betting addiction etc. The list could go on and on.
To be fair, an addiction carries with it some very negative connotations. A workaholic really enjoys work but I have never heard of anyone rushing them off for treatment...
Yup , its looks be -ve when we call it addiction .. Even i have seen many ppl including me given hours to understand more n more about blockchian and related tech .. and it more often call it curiosity ;)
I also have mixed feeling when I look at this platform. If the developers would spend a full day on Steemit, I cannot possibly imagine that they would be satisfied, that this was their original intention. Facebook also started with good intentions. They wanted to connect people. They probably didn’t realize that, so many years later, young people become addicted to their daily portion of dopamine. They couldn’t know that people get a false picture of society. Young people in particular are faced with fear, depression or loneliness. And their self-image goes down too (Instagram scores even worse in this area).
And then I ask myself the question: aren’t we creating the devil himself? Innocent looking 'likes' already have such a huge impact on society. Replace those 'likes' with the word 'money' and you get a very dangerous combination.
Here in Venezuela was thought, install a nuclear plant, fortunately was not made, due to the situation country is chaotic maintenance and foreign exchange necessary for it, were led to a certain long-term catastrophe.
Regarding your post very well worked, this helps us think, certain circumstances that leads us as humanity.
Keep growing, keep posting I will be very aware of your information.
Good time to be a crypto addict me thinks these last few weeks have been a bit depressing but with a potential crisis in Italy in the mix this should be serve as good reminder as to why crypto was invented.
Gold market is over $7.8 trillion and is nowhere near as easy to use as money, we have room to grow jehhheeezzzzzeeee!!!!
Haha to be frank, i think this is ridiculous to hear. I believe since this is breakthrough new technology, it gives the image of cryptocurrency users as addicts.
Same addiction as video games, a netflix series, etc 😂
Very interesting problem, I hope it will never affect me. I just want to be financially free, dump my stupid job and realize my dreams about travelling and knowing new culture.
Wow this is great putting together thanks for sharing, I really wish my 100% upvote worth something reasonable but I will drop it to show how I appreciate your write-up. I am @luckyspark a relationship expert and life couch you can check on me if you have time thanks.
Wow I will always make out time to lean and follow those that will impact on me.
You can fill free to check on me if you have time, like I told u I am relationship expert thanks
Based on the fact we see from our view all that science comes from various writings, information, and news. So I really like to read about news that makes me interesting and want to read it over and over again .. Like that make this news. Thank you for the very useful news... @danyelk
I read this and I am not sure whether I should take this Bitcoin Addiction thing seriously or not. To me, it read like a joke.
I hope it is, but I can see how there is some reality to it. That being said, almost everything can be addictive to someone and I think the main problem here lies less in Bitcoin being addicting but the internet and its possibilities.
Internet addiction is a real thing, as are addiction to porn, social media and the likes. Bitcoin is just the hydra having grown a new head.
Addiction is a problem, although i don't think it's crypto specifically but more the idea of gambling addiction. The market moves so fast that if you invest a lot into it and study a lot it can take all your money and time.
Remember everyone likes to get a buzz from winning or making money, it makes you feel smarter and you have more money to buy those items you have been craving.
Some people thinks in treating some addictions to cryptocurrency, smartphones or having 22 hours stucked on your PC is like some serious diseases as drugs, alcohol, gambling, or sex -also porn addictions count-. Everyone has involved to the cryptocurrency because they want to earn for self-efficiency without third patrt involving. I cannot consider it as an addiction, because mind disorders are created due individual behavior while facing the interests in this area. I mean, the involved put the 95% of the foult and then the cryptocurrency just put the 5%
I think that we don't need to go rehab because our interests on cryptocurrency. It's just an habit which must be controlled by ourselves. Is not like getting junked, or booced,or be a sick gambler, or sex or porn-addicted which are real issues to need a rehab treatment. I deny myself to assume that i could get viced by crypto...
You got a 60.24% upvote from @upme thanks to @danyelk! Send at least 3 SBD or 3 STEEM to get upvote for next round. Delegate STEEM POWER and start earning 100% daily payouts ( no commission ). is not an addict!!
I never heard that any kind of work addiction.
So be it..whatever!!
Keep going with crypto world my crypto enthusiast!! :)
I don't believe in an addiction to gambling or porn. If you are an alcoholic or heroin addict or smoker that is a physical addiction and you go thru withdrawal when you quit. Gambling addiction has no physical symptoms you can point to. Calling something an addiction negates your own personal responsibility. Just stop gambling.
wrote of this 3 days ago ;)
You are so right in your post the funny thing is a few days back I told my brother to add a few cryptos as payment method in his company it will give him free advertisement and will help cryptos as well :)
Addiction is a real problem. Whether it is an addiction to games, gambling, women or trading crypto. Anything excess is bad is my perspective. We should control our limit in this matter so we will not end up like what happen to some people who committed suicide because of overdoing this. This is useful information. Great read
agree what you say: Anything in excess is bad not just the thing inself, is more about the person
Yup I agree with you but I think everybody has it in his own hands I did a lot of things in my life very excessive but never got addicted to it. It all comes back to self-control and a strong mind if you don't have it better do not things in a excessive way.
Thanks for you comment and have a nice day and weekend :)
Sorry if I sound a little corny or ordinary by stating this, but too much of a good thing is bad even if it's a good thing in and of itself.
How can you call that an addiction?, even though are on the phone all the day or on the laptop posting, spending your time or working with cryptocurrency, it could be a matter of you have pot something that worth like money on it, and the fact to be pending on it means you may lose money and the time you invest in that, I think nobody wanted to lose something costs time and money... and if you have some kind excess in your life it doesn't mean you are mind strong enough cause you could be addicted and wont be able to recognize it at first sight.
So True! right now im working with a multi-millionaire named Robert Hollis and he has allowed me to give his book away for free. his even alowed me to give a couple of his training programs away for free.
Very well spoken. It’s all about moderation
@hiroyamagishi, you are on point. Moderation pays in everything.
The cost of bitcoin constantly beats all its records. For such a state, there are a number of reasons for crypto currency. It is quite difficult to evaluate bitcoin, but it's worth trying to look at it in perspective, given the data already known to us. Many conditions are relevant for any time, here are the 6 most important of them:
Venture capital
Most start-ups that make crypto currency and blockade the most effective and generally available are supported by venture capital. Different payment systems receive sufficient profit from the network effect, for them the set of turns is extremely important. The number of venture capital that came to this sphere was not far from the indicator of the previous year.
I am agree with you. The addiction may be based on the timeline for example, to involve in the bitcoin was super addiction around 2010. If you were addicted to bitcoin around these years there was no negative effect, but now the addiction may be harm you and your health.
maybe i am addicted .but its addiction that i don't want to treat or leave it :)
You received a 26.09% upvote from @brotherhood thanks to @liquidcrypto!,

join on @brotherhood community on discord channel: and share your post there.
Delegate to Bot and Get High Return Fix 100% earning return,
bidders will always win something and it will adapt to distribute all the 100% upvote ,now we reached to 13000 SP and recommend. send the 0.15 to 0.4 sbd or steem.
Very interesting post. Its good that someone somewhere decided to give a name to this disease and have a treatment for it. But not everyone would willingly admit they are addicted. Even if they do, this kind of treatment is not available everywhere.
i can imagine they will be very busy in few years
great stuff
I just created my account a few minutes ago and don't really know how this whole thing works yet, but I had to leave a comment on your post not only because it is totally awesome, but it's the first post that I came across as well. I always joke how I am a total crypto fien, I have a degree in psychology and have a background working with people who suffer from addiction, so this doesn't surprise me at all. I do think it's interesting that they are classifying it as a separate disease instead of just categorizing it under "gambling addiction." Common sense would tell me that gambling is gambling is gambling; however, I can see some wanting to break it down into its own niche just like alcoholics consider that to be different than a drug addict.
Honestly, anything can become an addiction, whether it is good or bad for you. I am a total fitness freak, however working out is great for you, so people don't view that as a problem. If you have an addictive personality you can pretty much become addicted to anything.
I know for me; personally, I tend to overdo anything that I get involved with. That is just my nature. I am tempted to go to an AA meeting and introduce myself as, "I am Dominique, and I am a crpytoholic hahaha.
Thanks for the great post and I look forward to reading more of your stuff!
Welcome to Steemit and thank you for this very nice comment I am sure if you keep writing comments like this one you will get a lot of new friends very fast. I am following you now and I am looking forward to see some posts of you.
Have a nice day and a awesome weekend c ya soon (:
When I first started investing in crypto I was spending all day, every day, watching to charts. I was so stressed that I had to balance myself by smoking weed all of the time. I became reclusive, ignored my friendships and my health decreased. It was not good.... I can totally see how people could develop a crypto addiction. Glad to see there are people working to help those in need
Posted using Partiko Android
This post I can relate very well with. I confuse I am an addict to cryptocurrency. Since I started learning crypto last August things have change significant for me.
It feels real real bad right now for me but mentally I try to stay positive and collect my pieces of life and try to put something decent together to call a life worth living.
I would have never thought the things that happened to me recently would be because of crypto but here I am having to deal with it.
Hopefully this gets out more and help others avoid pitfalls of cryptos. Thanks.
It seems to me like Proof of Work is better since it is more energy efficient and you can do more with it.
Agree, but the cost of mining must help give Bitcoin more of a price floor. I'm more confident in the current price knowing those mining it have invested a lot to get it.
For now. Ethereum is gaining ground and I guess going to switch to POW. If Bitcoin ever does collapse in prices the miners might shut down which could be the demise of Bitcoin.
Thanks for the upvote. I'd upvote your reply but there is a .02 payout threshold. If you ever get some more SBD you might want to sign up for @dustsweeper.
Agree, but the cost of mining must help give Bitcoin more of a price floor. I'm more confident in the current price knowing those mining it have invested a lot to get it.
I felt confused with the title haha, I have heard that everything in the process is bad or maybe we should say that every addiction is bad, but I think that bitcoin has created a total exception.
We have decided to put our money and our faith in a mathematical structure that is free of human or political errors. Bitcoin will make the banks what the email did to the postal industry.
Damn right I totally agree with you.
Thanks for your comment and have a great weekend (:
excessive anything is bad. crypto trading is really a bad idea for a person like me. it gives me a lot of pain. long term investment is a good idea
The Seattle-based exchange, one of the largest in the world, will roll out USD pairings for BTC, USDT and TrueUSD
Initially only available for corporate customers in some states, Bittrex intends to expand the service to retail customers
Bittrex, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has said that it has made banking agreements that will allow some of its customers to trade crypto for US dollars.
According to the report in Bloomberg, the Seattle-based exchange is working with New York-headquartered Signature Bank to provide the service for corporate clients in certain states - with the bank and some other firms holding the dollar funds.
In an interview, Bittrex CEO Bill Shihara explained how this move is a significant milestone not just for Bittrex, but for the industry as a whole:
“It’s been a long path. It’s not just about banks being able to trust Bittrex. It’s about banks being able to trust crypto in general. And I think it’s really showing that crypto is turning the corner in terms of mainstream acceptance.”
Bill Shihara
Shihara also explained how the traditional banking industry is wary of the cryptocurrency market:
“They really do look and pore through the entire business. They want to make sure that we’ve got robust AML/KYC processes, that we’ve got the right controls on our finances. They do background checks and everything. They really look at our business soup to nuts.”
Bill Shihara
Set to launch fiat trading on Thursday for Bitcoin, Tether and TrueUSD, these pairings for regulatory reasons will only be available to corporate clients in California, New York, Washington and Montana. According to the report however, the exchange intends to expand to retail customers in the future.
With Bittrex offering one of the highest number of crytpocurrency pairings in the world, and a customer base of 3 million users, the new announcement is an important development for the fledgling industry as it pushes more and more into the mainstream.
Cryptocurrency addiction? I have never heard of 'Stock addiction' or 'Work Addiction. It seems somewhat odd that crypto would be treated as such and seems to be just another ploy to invalidate those that have trust in the block-chain.
But then again, what do I know?
Good point buddy to me it looks like they are putting it similar to a gambling addiction.
I totally agree with you, I didn't read the comments before stating my opinion. I apologize for that, but that is exactly my opinion. If they are going to take gambling addiction and add so many niches under that than the list will be never-ending. I love to shoot dice, bet on boxing and basketball and now I am a crypto addict lol.. I would just say I am a gambler. I also love to shop, however none of thesethings have ruined my life in a way that would classify me as a typical "addict". I would never spend my last or go rob a bank to buy BTC hahahha.
Which in itself is absurd. Gambling implies that the odds are unpredictable. With cryptocurrencies there is a lot that can be done to determine risk, i.e, it is an investment. Do they believe that a failed investment is gambling? If so, why are they not cracking down on brokers?
Yup I totally agree with you.
in addition to your point @dracosalieri
According to my experience,
Crypto came with so much of innovation and a lots of new stuff that ppl who loved it wanted to know more and more n more about it, indeed for that ppl spent a lot of time. Which might look addicted to non-crypto guys
Whole crypto world was so dynamic that investors had an expectation to grow fast as well save them self’s from sudden falls so that’s the reason ppl were more concerns and did check the market quite frequently, . Which might look addicted to non-crypto guys
It is not like traditional market, best part of it is that its 24x7x365 so yes ppl does the activities related to crypto as per their time n comfort and . Which might look addicted to non-crypto guys
You make really good points. For the uninformed, it certainly may look like an addiction. But then I would say that those same points could be pointed at commodities like Gold and Silver... I think that there are currently a lot of people who trade Crypto on a day to day basis and the patterns might seem addicting but is it any different from any other market? I might argue that Binary options traders are addicted, but for them, it may be an income like any other.
I think it would be more honest to say that people are addicted to money, not cryptocurrency...
hahah very true ppl are addicted to money ! and we can easily find it .. So after fuss was started when BTC gained the $ value ;-)
I totally agree with you, I didn't read the comments before stating my opinion. I apologize for that, but that is exactly my opinion. If they are going to take gambling addiction and add so many niches under that than the list will be never-ending. I love to shoot dice, bet on boxing and basketball and now I am a crypto addict lol.. I would just say I am a gambler. I also love to shop, however none of thesethings have ruined my life in a way that would classify me as a typical "addict". I would never spend my last or go rob a bank to buy BTC hahahha.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I would say that "work addiction" would be better known as a workaholic, so yes I have heard of work addiction. I have never heard of stock addiction either, I think that this would all be the same as gambling addiction. For someone to actually separate crypto as its own addiction all together is crazy to me, if that is the case then why isn't there a stock addiction, lotto addiction, scratch off addiction, sports betting addiction etc. The list could go on and on.
To be fair, an addiction carries with it some very negative connotations. A workaholic really enjoys work but I have never heard of anyone rushing them off for treatment...
Yup , its looks be -ve when we call it addiction .. Even i have seen many ppl including me given hours to understand more n more about blockchian and related tech .. and it more often call it curiosity ;)
I think the good doctor takes payment in cryptocurrency....
Sounds like another quack doctor trying to be the first to latch onto the latest gravy train.
I also have mixed feeling when I look at this platform. If the developers would spend a full day on Steemit, I cannot possibly imagine that they would be satisfied, that this was their original intention. Facebook also started with good intentions. They wanted to connect people. They probably didn’t realize that, so many years later, young people become addicted to their daily portion of dopamine. They couldn’t know that people get a false picture of society. Young people in particular are faced with fear, depression or loneliness. And their self-image goes down too (Instagram scores even worse in this area).
And then I ask myself the question: aren’t we creating the devil himself? Innocent looking 'likes' already have such a huge impact on society. Replace those 'likes' with the word 'money' and you get a very dangerous combination.
Sadly there is no other way to protect bitcoin hash other than consume more power.
Gran post
Cryptocurrency addiction. hmmm..never thought it is a thing :(
this is like Michael Jordan is Basketball addicted, or Tiger Woods is Golf addicted
i love it. Thanks for sharing sir
Lmaooo this is funny as fark!
Sometimes im addicted but i can manage it.dont let addiction handle you, practice to handle your addiction.this article was great!
good advice
As a self-proclaimed addict...I can say that Castle Craig looks like the kind of place the Deep State might like to send us all...
LoL....This is funny!
I knew this day would come when someone admits that they have an addiction for cryptocurrency mining or trading!
I saw this coming a long time ago when I started seeing patients that always talk about cryptocurrency continuously!
Here in Venezuela was thought, install a nuclear plant, fortunately was not made, due to the situation country is chaotic maintenance and foreign exchange necessary for it, were led to a certain long-term catastrophe.
Regarding your post very well worked, this helps us think, certain circumstances that leads us as humanity.
Keep growing, keep posting I will be very aware of your information.
Very informative post I always like to show people this video when thinking about the energy usage for POW coins and yes I am a crypto addict lol!
Thanks for the video and yes I have the same addiction lol ;)
Good time to be a crypto addict me thinks these last few weeks have been a bit depressing but with a potential crisis in Italy in the mix this should be serve as good reminder as to why crypto was invented.
Gold market is over $7.8 trillion and is nowhere near as easy to use as money, we have room to grow jehhheeezzzzzeeee!!!!
Haha to be frank, i think this is ridiculous to hear. I believe since this is breakthrough new technology, it gives the image of cryptocurrency users as addicts.
Same addiction as video games, a netflix series, etc 😂
I think he may indicate crypto trading. crypto trading is like addiction
Very interesting problem, I hope it will never affect me. I just want to be financially free, dump my stupid job and realize my dreams about travelling and knowing new culture.
I have same idea. want to quit boring old job and travel the world
Very good! :D
Yup that's what I have done since 2012.
I wish you good luck realizing your dreams buddy :)
Thanks mate :D
Your welcome buddy :)
Wow this is great putting together thanks for sharing, I really wish my 100% upvote worth something reasonable but I will drop it to show how I appreciate your write-up. I am @luckyspark a relationship expert and life couch you can check on me if you have time thanks.
Haha, life couch.
Thank you I am glad you like my post :)
Wow I will always make out time to lean and follow those that will impact on me.
You can fill free to check on me if you have time, like I told u I am relationship expert thanks
I used to be like this. Constantly checking coinmarketcap. Now I just don't care anymore.
There are going to be good periods and bad periods for crypto but as long as we HODL all we be good in the long term.
When I runned away from the psychiatric hospital the last time I didn't see anyone there with that problem
Lol you maybe better run back and have a second look ;)
Hi.This post help me very much thanks bro......
In Bangladesh only a few people know about this....
Indeed, anything in excess is bad. Why don't we make a rehabilitation for the rich! :D
Demasiado Bueno Compañero @danyelk gracias por compartir esta Valiosa infomacion te apoyo, saludos Hermano!
very very nice post boss. all the best post.
Based on the fact we see from our view all that science comes from various writings, information, and news. So I really like to read about news that makes me interesting and want to read it over and over again .. Like that make this news. Thank you for the very useful news... @danyelk
I read this and I am not sure whether I should take this Bitcoin Addiction thing seriously or not. To me, it read like a joke.
I hope it is, but I can see how there is some reality to it. That being said, almost everything can be addictive to someone and I think the main problem here lies less in Bitcoin being addicting but the internet and its possibilities.
Internet addiction is a real thing, as are addiction to porn, social media and the likes. Bitcoin is just the hydra having grown a new head.
it is stupid like hell
Addiction is a problem, although i don't think it's crypto specifically but more the idea of gambling addiction. The market moves so fast that if you invest a lot into it and study a lot it can take all your money and time.
Remember everyone likes to get a buzz from winning or making money, it makes you feel smarter and you have more money to buy those items you have been craving.
I'm really proud, because a post I might have known before, maybe many of us would be working on it.
Excelentt post dear friend :) @danyelk
Some people thinks in treating some addictions to cryptocurrency, smartphones or having 22 hours stucked on your PC is like some serious diseases as drugs, alcohol, gambling, or sex -also porn addictions count-. Everyone has involved to the cryptocurrency because they want to earn for self-efficiency without third patrt involving. I cannot consider it as an addiction, because mind disorders are created due individual behavior while facing the interests in this area. I mean, the involved put the 95% of the foult and then the cryptocurrency just put the 5%
I think that we don't need to go rehab because our interests on cryptocurrency. It's just an habit which must be controlled by ourselves. Is not like getting junked, or booced,or be a sick gambler, or sex or porn-addicted which are real issues to need a rehab treatment. I deny myself to assume that i could get viced by crypto...
This is very similar to the typical Internet addiction, just the object of dependence is bitcoin.
more than internet addiction. in case of cryptocurency, you may lose or earn money. thats makes you so excited
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I never heard that any kind of work addiction.
So be it..whatever!!
Keep going with crypto world my crypto enthusiast!! :)
I don't believe in an addiction to gambling or porn. If you are an alcoholic or heroin addict or smoker that is a physical addiction and you go thru withdrawal when you quit. Gambling addiction has no physical symptoms you can point to. Calling something an addiction negates your own personal responsibility. Just stop gambling.