On crypto countries

A lot of people write to our Expert Center. Many of them ask my opinion on crypto countries and mention specific projects. I can give you an honest answer — I don’t buy it.

Any government stands on the blood. It means that you have to literally wash the new land in blood to build a new country on it. Then, and only then, you have a chance of success. The concept itself can have a material form. Countries do not always appear naturally. Israel, founded in the desert in the 20th century is a living proof of it.

There is the history of the United States which fought in order to be recognized. There is the bloody history of the USSR. There is the history of Singapore – a city-state – which appeared owing to the political mastery of its leader.

There always were fanatics (but not always many of them) at the heart of every new country, ready to sacrifice their own lives for the new world. Now, I still see no people who are willing to spend a little time and money to create a new country – and I don’t see any real projects either. Simply put, I don’t see even a handful of real fanatics and this is essential for establishing a new state.

Besides, new countries did not appear because they were recognized but because there were people who fought against them, started wars and sought to destroy them. A new state always represents a major challenge to the world. This is a way of telling others: we couldn’t care less about your opinion, we couldn’t care less about your power and we will be standing here no matter what. Now, just think about the modern founders of new countries – they always try to avoid conflicts with stronger opponents. Quite the opposite, new governments are trying hard to be recognized. However, people will recognize you only if you don’t budge. Intransigence is the key to success and I see no intransigent leaders in the crypto world now.