Let me just begin by saying I am not a trader.
If you're super talented in trading or you have a mystical crystal ball.
None of this is for you.
Most of the cryptocurrencies are a long term investment. Yet it is extremely volatile.
So it’s macro patience, micro speed ( For all you traders out there ).
I am not a trader or to be precise. I choose not to be. Why?
- It's tiring
- You can't win against the whales
- I have better things to work on.
And there's one simple belief that trumps all the fear that is lingering in the market.
The blockchain ecosystem is here to stay.
We the first movers has just discovered a spark in this wild wild world which will soon light up a flame of revolution in this corrupted world.
We're just experimenting with it, not knowing its full potential but blockchains can do much, much more, as can the cryptos that drive that innovation. ( I personally think I'm a bit late to the party but relatively early compared to the public.)
Wouldn’t you rather guarantee having 20x in your investments by doing long term investment versus doing a bunch of bullshit trades just because you think you can actually time the market?
The whole crypto market is collapsing!
Let's stop all developing and wait for it to rise back up before we resume work !
Come on guys. Pricing won't affect developments ._.
If you have faith in the tech then why are you so worked up about the price in the short term?
If you've invested in S&P 500 at its peak in year 2000 and it "crashed"
And you held on till now you'll still be making 60% in profit.
Just a food for thoughts.
It's a simple bet that humans will always progress not deteriorate.
Amazon "crashed" from 100 to 8. Now it is worth 900+
Investing is not going about generating a quick few bucks.
Even if it is , don't you think that if you want huge gains in a short amount of time.
You must also have the endurance to have huge "loses: in a short amount of time?
I don't see people complaining about the huge price surge in Ether in just 3months. ( Rolling my eyes
Patience is key. Not just in life but in investing as well.
But hey don't take my words for it. Listen to one of the greats.
"The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient"
-Warren Buffet.
I believe that the market is just starting to "bear" fruits for us to pluck in the near future.
"The blockchain ecosystem is here to stay."
Truest sentence I've read about crypto investing in a long time.
Thank you Erick
Yes. Yes. and Yes. people who think cryptos are in bubble??? have they looked at US deficit and debt? lol fiat ponzi USD is a bubble, same as all other government fiat scams. cryptos are buy of a lifetime here. $700bil market cap coming soon, long term $7trillion+
I think we are spoiled by the quick surge in price ( At least I know I am XD )
I am very new to crypto as well, but it feels as if we are dealing with a potential future interplanetary revolutionary technology. Great times now. 👽