Dash Podcast 63 - Meet Lorenzo & Alejandro From Dash Text - Dash Merchant - Dash Help in Venezuela

in #cryptocurrency • 7 years ago

Dash Force News: https://www.dashforcenews.com

The Dash Force News 3 amigos podcast is now available to listen to on the following platforms:

📢 Itunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dash-force-3-amigos-podcast/id1355935282 📢 Tunein - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Podcasts/Dash-Force-3-Amigos-Podcast-p1105305/ 📢 Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/pax-libertas-productions-2/dash-force-three-amigos-podcast?refid=stpr 📢 Google Play - https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Ijsgeiphefsgq3ez7w2vekz64ra 📢 Overcast - https://overcast.fm/itunes1355935282/dash-force-3-amigos-podcast 📢 Podbean - https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/gswdv-670fc/Dash-Force-3-Amigos-Podcast

Dash Force News is the world’s premier news service covering Dash and the exciting emerging field of digital currency. We are a project of the Dash Force and are funded by the Dash DAO treasury. We are run by industry professionals and are committed to being the most trustworthy news resource on Dash and digital currency.

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The next BOOMs will be......1) when mainstream realization they have been lied to sinks in and 2) When someone makes fiat/crypto OTC available to the 3rd world and nations led by despots......
So I say........buy #BitCoin , #LiteCoin , #Monero , #DASH , #DigiByte , #Steem , #EOS and #PryvateCoin ....because Pryvate plan to add all those and others like ADA & #XZC into the Exchange (Fiat /crypto OTC & Trading) as well as the wallet (hot and cold) on their triple encrypted, hybrid-decentralized , point to point app.....and it has anti-blocking designed for use by people constrained by despots ......so besides ending govt snooping for all, the perfect secure comms, wallet and trading app for Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and Nth Korea.
