
thank you for the info, lots of people out there loosing money like crazy due not been properly informed! thank you to take this step to TRY protecting some people out there :)

Now let’s wait for new heavy government regulations thanks to those numbnuts.

I have been waiting for this masterpiece since I heard Bitconnect shutdown. I hope Trevon James, Craig Grant and all these promoters of this obvious ponzi will go to prison, seriously. Imagine how many people lost money just because of their greed. Sure those people didn't do their own due diligence. Nevertheless, the promoters have misled many into it. Imagine someone would try in the Stock Market.

Lol! That is why craig grant is deleting his videos????

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

My bro, I see you’ve got a bunch of weapons on the photo and you talked about shooting a “semi-automatic machine gun” (which doesn’t exist and that’s partially why I’m posting this).

Any person who loves America, needs to know how to operate a weapon. If willing, I live in SD, CA. I served in Afg, I’ve had many hours in firearms training, my father (who’d be more than willing to instruct) was a cop for over 30 yrs.

If you’re willing we teach you to shoot like a real fucking American.

Love the music in the vid...RIP Bitconnect!!! Actually why RIP? RIH!! Rot In Hell!!! :)