Mining Series, Issue #2 How Does mining benefit the world? ?

In this Issue we will talk about what are the benefits from mining and how everyone benefits directly or indirectly.

Mining requires :

Computer case
Keyboard, mouse
Memory, CPU, Hard Driver
Graphics cards
Network Equipment
The Internet
And bigger mining operations Require warehouses, transformers, ventilation equipment, ETC

Since mining was Born along with Crypto, All this companies are making more money. And they are making more money because they are Producing more.

Everyone benefits due to mining, this companies now have to hire more employees in order to keep up with the demand. Even the screw factory has to make more screws. Wood factories have to make more wood, Steel and metal factories have to make more steel and metal. and Electric companies have to make more electricity. electronic factories have to make more electronics, and the list keeps going and going. Even the Tie-rap maker has to make more. This essentially translate to more jobs being created.

I believe mining will become a standard or a lifestyle everyone will participate in. Its needed to run the Crypto network and i don't think it will go away any time soon.

Now before you get into mining you must do a lot of homework, you have to shop around for parts and make sure the Roi numbers add up.

More will come on this later. Please Stay Tuned.