From today, the petro will be available to private customers after presale

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

The land of freedom becomes a land of prohibitionsAs of today, the Petro is available to everyone except the #Americans

  • For the americans who read this the next sentence is for you

Where there is a will is also a way and where nobody wants there is a reason to find

  • In Venezuela, "Petro" will initially sell 38.2 million at special rates. From March 20, private customers and private companies can buy the digital currency, then another 44 million currency units are released. The remaining 17.6 million "petros" are managed by a specially established authority for crypto currency.

    Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-20 um 16.52.58.png

  • Venezuela wants to achieve two goals with the cryptocurrency. On the one hand, counteracting the escalating inflation, on the other hand could be financed with the "Petro" with foreign partners.

  • Der Wert des "Petro" bemisst sich an den Kosten für ein Barrel venezolanischen Erdöls, der mit 60 US-Dollar angegeben wird.

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I have read the text and partly agree. It may be the biggest scam of a government, but Venezuela needs a new currency to stabilize the country.

The "Petro" is not a good idea. It's just a means for the Venezuelan government to fill their coffers. It's backed by the word of a dictator who has completely ruined the richest country in South America.

Anyone reading this who truly wants to help the Venezuelan people should watch this: