Hello Steemians, welcome once again to my blog. Tomorrow begins one of the most emblematic events in the world, the Russia 2018 World Cup, the majority of the inhabitants of the entire planet will be attentive to the events generated by it, many others will be able to travel to see it in person, and the cryptocurrencies as a technological revolution is not the exception.

For travelers, cryptocurrencies offer several attractions. They can make cross-border payments without using fiduciary currencies, change cryptocurrencies to the currency of the country they visit quickly and even without intermediaries, in portals such as LocalBitcoins that work around the world.

Accommodation, bars and betting are some of the possibilities that bitcoiners will have on Russian lands.
To get to Russia using cryptoactives, CheapAir is an option.
Already on Russian soil, users have a couple of options to move to the stadiums. The Wheely Business taxi service accepts bitcoins since 2014.
In the country's capital, Moscow, it is possible for bitcoiners to exchange their cryptocurrencies for rubles in cash. Thanks to Sbercoin, users of cryptocurrencies can go to Verhniy Susalniy Street, near the metro station Kursky Vokzal.
With the MasterCard payment platform, they can buy their tickets with cryptocurrencies, at least indirectly, using services such as Epayments and Wirex.
With regard to the world, the hotel chain Apartments Malina became the first company of this nature to allow its guests the opportunity to pay with bitcoins.

The thrust of this global sporting event could increase the chances of witnessing a massive adoption of cryptocurrencies as a method of payment in Russia. Recall that a law is being discussed on Russian soil to accept this use of these techno-financial instruments that could be approved by parliament.

This great event will be a very large window to reach more people to what cryptocurrency refers, the great word of mouth advertising will make many people enter the wonderful ecosystem of cryptocurrencies and obviously, as a result our community will grow and be beneficial for all.