The Dawn of Digital Power

In discussing recent events in Cryptocurrency this morning, I came to a realization. Cryptocurrency is not only a natural extension of the flow of human history but actually represents the birth of true Digital Power and Wealth.

Until the birth of digital wealth, the digital world was never going to be as real as the non-digital world. However, with the create of Digital Assets, Wealth, and Power we will see a total transformation of how humanity relates to the digital world.

The internet may seem like an ubiquitous part of life now, but when it was first invented it was nothing more than a novelty. Even our current major innovations (Facebook, Amazon, Google) barely scratch the surface of what a true digital world looks like. With the creation of Digital Wealth an irrevocable change will occur in how we relate to the digital.

There has been no such thing as true digital power until now. We are seeing the first glimmers of it now with Facebook and Twitter having a very real impact on our political situation, however this will be nothing compared to the impact Cryptocurrency has.

When I examine the impact of Roger Ver and Jihan Wu (Bitcoin Cash) I can see the actions of some of the first Digital Barons. These are land owners of the digital era. They only have power in a world where cryptocurrency is adopted, however in that world they are Barons or Dukes. They possess land and assets, but for the first time in human history these are purely digital assets.

In a world where an individual can possess true societal power via purely digital wealth and influence we will see the merging of the virtual and physical. Add virtual reality into the equation and we are really looking at a radical transformation of human society.

As digital wealth and power become more legitimate, internet personalities take on a new identity. I can't count the number of people who have large internet followings, do we think of Youtube Bloggers as being the individuals who have power in our society? I would say we don't, but we may soon!

And while it may not be Youtube Bloggers who actually end up having too much influence, I am certain we will see the transition of our society into a new form which will be one part Physical and one part Digital. The digital world will become a mirror of our physical one, with every asset mirrored with a digital smart asset. With the invention of VR we will even be able to interact with these things in digital realities.

The possibilities are truly staggering, the invention of true digital wealth opens the doors to a new world.

Steven Lubka

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