3 - quarkchain.oi
4 - 31533
5 - 2018 Q4
6 - Transactions per sercond
7 - Provide a scalability and high...
8 - All of the above
9 - Sharding
10 - Horizontal
11 - POW
12 - All of the above
13 - it will support Turing written in Solidity
14 - Have shard a directly access the smart contract
15 - 25%
16 - 25%
17 - Rootchain can confirm it
18 - It is reshardable after main-net launched
19 - 2200 tps
20 - 8
21 - It is the sum of all balances other then the primary account.
Correct answer is C
22 - Secondary balance will transfer to primary one
23 - 2*A
24 - 2147483648
25 - Correct answer is D
26 - C
27 - Root-chain first proof of werk is the consensus mech for the shards
28 -Optional - Cryptokitties