Looking for an easy way to calculate and track your crypto net worth?
Cryptos are going crazy! There are new ICOs seemingly everyday and alt-coins are making huge gains!
Some of you may be looking for an easy way to calculate your crypto net worth.
A simple Iphone app called BitWorth might be the answer for you!
BitWorth is a cryptocurrency net-worth calculator. Simply enter in the amount of each cryptocurrency you own and see the real-time total value in your local currency.
Currency pricing data is pulled from various open source APIs and reflect the current price for each cryptocurrency in the local currency you select. You can also manually enter each crypto entry and BitWorth will calculate your net worth in the currency of your choosing.
The app also allows you to choose from several options of where the crypto is stored, inorder to keep track of your assets. There are several options including major exchanges such as Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken etc...
I have only spent a little while playing around with the app, but it potentially could prove to be a useful tool. The GUI is pretty nice and it is simple to use.
I would love to know what you think about the app.
BitWorth is available for Free on the App Store.
Check out this article if you are interested in cool crypto investments.
I downloaded the app.
The GUI is easy to use and I like how they have the price of each crypto displayed with the percentage gain for the day.
This is simpler to pull up than coin market cap and easier to read too.
Thanks for writing an article!
Yeah I thought it was a neat little tool, that some people may find available.
Simple. which for me is the most important thing for an app, apps should make life simple!
Thanks for your thoughts! :)
Haha, exactly!
You're quite welcome! :)
The app looks good and feels good. But with only 30 coins to choose from, it's useless to me. Try Blockfolio instead. Pretty much every coin and token in existence...
I think BitWorth is perfect for people who are not necessarily serious traders but have a modest crypto portfolio. I know a lot of ppl that have BTC,ETH,LTC and maybe one alt. In that case the app is great.
I would imagine you have a pretty diverse portfolio, what alts are on your radar at the moment? I always like reading ppls thoughts on alts.I have been talking to @lukestokes about several alternatives, including blockfolio, I am going to give it a try for sure! I might even write up a comparison and post it here.
Sounds much easier than going to coinmarketcap 50 times a day!
Haha, I know right!?