Most people in the banking and financial industries have no clue how economics or monetary policy actually works. Universities do a great job of concealing these types of truths from them.
Every once in a while, however, even investment bankers become red-pilled about the true nature of the Almighty Dollar---and sometimes they decide to fight back.
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing former banker and founder of the Danish JFK Party, Mads Palsvig. Before waking up, he was just another financial “expert” playing with numbers and enjoying a lavish salary.
But one day while collaborating with a group of colleagues, he was asked how money was created---and it suddenly dawned on him that he didn’t really know where it came from.
What followed was a tumble down the rabbit hole that eventually led him to found the Danish JFK Party and spread the word about the true nature of fiat currency.
This interview is jam-packed with insights and revelations ranging from the real effects of state regulations to having dinner with Federal Reserve witch Janet Yellen.
Palsvig and I also spoke about the JFK Party’s goals and the resistance we freedom lovers face from the banksters and a willfully-ignorant public.
You can watch the full interview here:
The good news is, the world is waking up and the truth is spreading faster than ever before. Regular readers of TDV know this----especially subscribers who’ve benefited from getting the inside scoop on crypto and investment trends for years (subscribe HERE).
Some of the most truly “woke” among us are those who’ve previously worked in banking and finance and have seen the sausage being made---a sign that maybe we’ll be able to destroy this system from within.
The IMF scam is a really insidious one. Beware the money changers/lenders bearing gifts!
In third world we all suffer tremendously. It is 20 years ago, so this time we want to educate the people what will happen.. Again.
if the oligarch wants to cut 7 billion people i would be the one who first to volunteer in that party, but first they got to have to provide me 7 hot woman and king buffet in 1 night.
I do like how you both spoke about Chem-Trails.. @ 21:00 minute mark.
After reading your posts and watching your videos I'm incredibly motivated to move to another country. You sound a lot like myself and I find that it's quite difficult to narrow down my purpose in a place that is dead set on preserving bad traditions.
Jeff looks high as hell in that video thumbnail. +1 cannabis oil
This is good story and good video... I like it :) I hope you make more like this story videos.
I Hope You Dont Mind But This Is Something Thats Perfectly In Order With Your Post!

And I Think Everyone Should Check It Out - As It Exposes The Whole Monetary System For What It Is - Easy To Understand For Just About Everyone.
As a teacher, and a loyal voter of the Pirate party I would love to have Mads guest speak in one of my classes.
Unfortunately my classes are all about mining & geology. Not very relevant to investment economy :/
Grateful for the CHANGE many humans are able to synch up with, in order to LET GO of old, limiting ways...All to often it is the lack of those willing to step away from what they have been doing (like Mike M.) to focus on something completely different. BRAVE and we are all blessed to have this opportunity! @dollarvigilante Awesomeness to you for doing the same!
Were you posting this from your phone while walking across the Tijuana bridge?
Got to love a guy named Mads!
I am going to watch the video. I am very curious about why there is a Danish JFK Party.
But, my mind went wild when I read that and I started thinking about JFK getting shot. And then a danish. And well, I had to do an image search until I found something somewhat like what popped into my head.

Actually, its probably a good idea I didn't find what I was looking for.
OK, going to check out that vid now. Very curious why the Dutch would call their party JFK.
You're red.
As always best stuff out there bro.
Wrote a little something about the "uberawaken" ;)
Hope you don't mind Jeff? Just trying to be famous ;)
Another good post... Most people dont realize the shady stuff the IMF and stuff get involed in. I watched confessions of an economic hitman it made me realize the scope of it.
This was a fantastic interview. If the socialist country Denmark can produce a truly great man like this investment banker humanity still has hope.
Just hope he is not suicided by the ones he is exposing
Learn from Rick Falkvinge. "the nonsense with bitcoin Nodes"
Really interesting post. Basically i was visiting your blog first time.
very interesting content you have.
Follow you and wish to more content from your side
This is the second time have watched this video...first time was on the FB platform..this time the FB link directed me to Steem. Am new here and much to learn. Am hoping that Jeff will link all his videos to Steem in the future. The less time on FB the better.
great information for me, i resteem you me