Where did you find this definition of outstanding shares being those that are active within the past 2 weeks? I think that definition is wrong. Here is a definition from Investopedia:
"Outstanding shares refer to a company's stock currently held by all its shareholders, including share blocks held by institutional investors and restricted shares owned by the company’s officers and insiders. Outstanding shares are shown on a company’s balance sheet under the heading “Capital Stock.” The number of outstanding shares is used in calculating key metrics such as a company’s market capitalization, as well as its earnings per share (EPS) and cash flow per share (CFPS)."
Read more: Outstanding Shares http://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outstandingshares.asp#ixzz4lz9SE3uT
I don't know of an instance where market cap is calculated by "Active shares".
Here is an piece I wrote on market capitalization recently:
I will definiltey research this a bit more. I saw that in a few source articles when I was reading. I didn't really question it since the time frame didn't matter much to me. I will check our your article. Definitely could use all the information I can get. Thanks for the feedback.