What Black Panther Can Teach Us About CryptoCurrency

For too long we in the Cryptocurrency Space have been more focused on becoming wealthy and buying "lambos" than on spreading the message of Satoshi Nakamoto and helping more people become involved in Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and the other altcoins. It doesn't matter which coin you choose to participate in, what matters is that two or more people begin using the coin to transact commerce and business. As Rick Falkvinge stated in the YouTube video titled: "Hodling is bullshit; spending-and-replace is what wins the game", the idea of Cryptocurrency is to grow the economy to the point where central bank money was no longer necessary. Where you could buy goods/services and where you could get your "paycheck" in Cryptocurrency.

Does that mean we shouldn't hodl some Bitcoin in the hope that the price moons? No of course not but what we need to do is get away from is this notion that using Bitcoin is the same as selling the coin for fiat, it's not. When we use Bitcoin to buy a computer and then accept Bitcoin for walking someone's dog, that helps to grow the economy that Cryptocurrency lives in.

In Black Panther (Spoiler Alert) there is the question of whether or not to open Wakanda and it's technology to the world to provide aid to those in need. To stay hidden in plain sight or to show the world what you have and to what you are capable of. The same can be said about Cryptocurrency. Do we stay a closed group of enthusiasts who are more interested in getting rich or do we begin speaking with businesses, getting them to begin accepting Cryptocurrency alongside fiat? Do we begin telling our clients that we accept Cryptocurrency? Do we petition and demand that Exchanges and Wallets institute faster transaction services and work to lower cost and fees? We take for granted in the West the availability of resources (materials, food, water, etc) and that our governments typically leave us to our own devices (of course there are exceptions). But there are parts of the world where famine, drought and disease are a very real and very present danger that is made worse by corrupt governments that use their lock on the resources we take for granted including money as a means of oppression.

What would it mean for a family living in these countries if they could get the things they need without having to go through their corrupt governments, to be able to get food, water, healthcare without having to take out unfair loans and suffer potential harassment because their lifestyle does not conform with "society" or if the group in power is out to do them harm just for the fact they exist.

There is a debate going on online whether or not poor people should get involved in Cryptocurrency. Should you be using your money to buy Bitcoin, when you can barely keep a roof over your head? Well the answer to me would be "yes if your landlord accepts Cryptocurrency".

If they do, there is no harm in using your fiat to buy Bitcoin because it will be used to grow the economy as the landlord will need to continue the flow of the Bitcoin to make it worth something to them. If they don't accept Cryptocurrency and you do not have the attentional funds to do so, you should focus on keeping the roof over your head and consider Cryptocurrency when you have the chance. (My Opinion). On Twitter, Facebook and YouTube you hear about people taking out loans to invest in Cryptocurrency, taking out loans to buy a large amount Cryptocurrency with the hope of striking it rich, this is completely irresponsible, (My opinion), and a direct byproduct of the hodling culture with a dash of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

Right now if you go to YouTube you will find no shortage of videos that tell you that you can become rich trading Cryptocurrency, or if you put your money or Bitcoin into this or that lending platform you can make money. What these people are talking about is making money, getting rich in fiat, not growing the Cryptocurrency economy, not challenging the banks or governments for control of access to resources. The reason why The Cryptocurrency Report does not have a section of trading methods or ideas is we do not believe that is what this space should be all about. It doesn't matter if you use Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash. It doesn't matter if you prefer Monero to Ether or Litecoin, what matters is if two or more people will agree to transact business in that form of payment.

I believe this is what Satoshi wanted when he/they pinned the White Paper that started this whole thing.

Stay Tuned


Eye opening. I had not considered how useful crypto currencies such as Bitcoin could be helpful in places with corrupt governments. Thank you.

That is the difference between a bubble and a balloon. The bubble pops, the balloon can carry us around the world.