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RE: BROCK PIERCE | Is Billionaire Bitcoin Board Member, Founder Of Tether, And Alleged Pedophile, A Covert CIA Asset?

So was Brock Pierce 18 when he was charged?

"As an 18 year old, before his rise to fame in the crypto world, Pierce found himself caught up in a high profile child abuse scandal whilst he was vice-president of DEN"

Not saying its right or anything.. but and 18 year old getting charge for exploiting a minor is not the same to me as a 21 year old doing the same thing. How old was the minor? was there even more than a years difference?My friend dated someone a year younger than him, he turned 18, she was still 17 though.. He almost had to register as a sex offender when her mom ratted him out because of 6 months age difference.

Im in no was defending or supporting Brock for this.. I just like to really know all the facts before I pass judgement and this article is missing some of those that would help me make a better, informed decision.. But thanks for all the investigating you did do!


Put aside the age argument, and lets focus on the predatory behavior. From a psychological stance, once such predatory behaviors are instilled in a person, they are usually there for life...