Best cryptocurrency?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

It depends on what you consider best and most reliable. I think that currently Bitcoin is most known and in those terms reliable. However, I think that Litecoin actually bets Bitcoin when you get down to the details. Bitcoin is expensive to transfer and literally is too slow to be a reliable currency. Litecoin is more available and cheaper to transfer. This will allow it to be a more reliable and effective currency. Thanks for the question!


Depends on you. For me, its the one that I spent the least on , bought a lot of it and has appreciated in value so much. Right now, for me, it is stellar lumen.

Depends on you. For me, its the one that I spent the least on , bought a lot of it and has appreciated in value so much. Right now, for me, it is stellar lumen.

Depends on you. For me, its the one that I spent the least on , bought a lot of it and has appreciated in value so much. Right now, for me, it is stellar lumen.

For me, Its Stellar Lumen. Simply because I own a lot of those. Next is ripple.

Bitcoin is the most famous one though... Its architecture doesn't support much... On the contrary, Ethereum is famous as well and we can do quite much on it. And other new platforms/coins have long way to go for it to be stable... So I think for now, Ethereum is the best.

Your welcome?

lol It always fun to have a good question