When it comes to cryptocurrency there are a lot of similarities with Plants vs. Zombies, well at least one that is very apparent. It ties in very well with a strategy in that game and can be used in a market like the crypto market.
For those not familiar with Plants vs. Zombies it is a strategy game in which the homeowner has to defend their home by placing obstructions using a variety of different plants to prevent an army of zombies from entering their houses and "eating their brains".
As this was one of my favorite childhood games it brought great pleasure when I got an epiphany that also translates to one of my favorite things – cryptocurrency. The epiphany was like any other profound and simple and yet you can’t help but marvel at how you didn’t see such a plainly apparent concept.
This is the concept: Much like the game, cryptocurrency is also about planting your positions strategically so that when the herd of "zombies" come to attack your assets you’re able to hold them off.

Let me explain.
When the crypto market is going up (no zombies) people are buying new crypto assets until they have no money left hoping they’re value will keep going up, and when the market is down (zombie attack) they are selling their depreciating assets in order to support their livelihood since they had no money left for necessities.
This exact scenario keeps repeating over and over again for some people to a point where it’s basically insanity. You can’t be doing the same thing over and expecting different results, clichéd but true.
What the game of Plants vs. Zombies teaches us is that we should always be prioritizing fending off the zombies before upgrading our plants (lifestyle). When the market is up (no zombies) this is when we should be taking profits and putting them aside and when the market is down (zombie attacks) that’s when we buy plants (assets) with that money to fend them off.
This leads to progress instead of running around chasing our own tails. Same thing with the game Monopoly, if you buy too many houses then eventually you’ll have no money to spare when it’s time to pay rent and the houses are taken away from you one by one.
In the few years I've been in this space I know for a fact that it is hard to sell when prices are booming just as it is hard to buy when prices are plummeting. So I often remind myself that whatever goes up must come down, also that a dollar gained is much better than a dollar lost.
Let me leave you with this - when EVERYONE is talking about how rich they're getting from crypto those are the warning bells to GET OUT. We can’t all be rich, unfortunate but that’s just not how the system works.
The market is currently red, should you:
A. Wait and see.
B. Buy while it’s down. Or
C. Buy when prices are going up.
The choice is yours.
I hope you enjoyed this post and that you choose wisely. Until we meet again.
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