We are not assuming or claiming an instantaneous revolution.
This is simply a very powerful tool and platform for people that wish for consensual governance to have a stronger example of whats possible to show the current Regimes.
As more people choose to operate within Blockchain Jurisdiction, the weight of the Blockchain Jurisdiction will grow in the eyes, minds, and hearts of all people.
Just like how as more people choose cryptocurrency, the more all people in general will believe in and choose to use it. Bitnation Pangea is another strong step in the decentralization movement.
Addressing "What good does a digital nation bring" a little further.
The Earth Nation is a Digital Nation. We help our voteholders with quite a lot. Bitnation provides a variety of services in itself, i recommend exploring our respective websites for more information.
Albeit, both the EN and Bitnation are extremely young, as Nations go. Expect what you would of a baby nation, 1/100th to 1/1000th the age of many of the current Governments.
While Bitnation persues Blockchain Jurisdiction, the Earth Nation has used church law to accomplish legal sovereignty within existing law.
A digital nation is another way to look at a network, an organization, a group of friends; from the most empowered standpoint possible.
Yeah, that makes sense. Just wanted to know if there were plans for both physical and digital nation to co-exist. As in either case, and I think you would agree that the physical borders will always overpower us.
Thanks and I guess I will explore more about Bitnation. It's a nice concept.
Our angle is to very much combine the two. We have a small handful of Earth Nation communities across the world that are very grounded. Over time, we intend to keep growing and propagating our EN Community Models. Perhaps other digital nations will follow suite.
When combining our physical locations with native american law and church law, we are already very close to Sovereign. Perhaps, when combining these elements with strongly formed and thriving Digital Nations the governments of the world will finally give us a little formal recognition.