So agree with you; Crypto will be ready for mass market when it is as simple as using a bank card with your normal bank, and able to collect from an ATM and/or be able to pay at retail (brick and morter) stores and/or pay at webshops (but hell no, there shall not be support of gazillion currencies wince also the selection between them will become too complex for the average user). Interestingly, I don't think many of the crypto companies understand this. I'm afraid that most people int he cryptoworld are very technical people, developers, coders with not that big an understanding of the people that are not technical at all. For instance anonymity is found to be very important for many of those who actually support running crypto network. Generally also the individuals who have a say in what will be build and what not. But with anonymity they may not like the usernames as used on Steemit, since these are much easier to recognise then a ling code with random characters. But the service needs to be very SIMPLY for mass market adoption, that means at least as simple as PayPal. Direct transfer of eg Steem from the Steem wallet to some offline wallet is required, but even more important direct Steem to eg Euro is required with the conversion under the hood with Euro deposit directly on your own bank account. But we are very very far away from such simplicity. But, here also lies a business opportunity for those who like to start a new business :) Another question is though: Does the cryptoworld want to be connected that easily with the real world, with the fiat money? Maybe not, although it may drive usage, coins may become more stable and price manipulations are not possible anymore. Crypto being in a more or less closed island, the values of each coin can be heavily manipulated by some whales coming in or going out of a coin. This helps those who have large values in a coin, probably the founders of the coin as well as the network miners/maintainers and the earliest adopters. In addition, when bridging with the fiat world in a very simple way, may cause the central banks and politicians to include crypto in tax laws, which most of the hard core crypto people do not want, they want to distance themselves from the fiat world, from taxes and so on. So, the block in mass adoption may not only be technical, but also political.
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