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RE: When Cryptocurrencies Become More Stable, Then We Will See More Mainstream Public Adoption

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Thank you for pointing this out. You are correct, but it is not only about creating the stable currency, and we have them indeed, all the Bitxxx, SBD, USDT etc (although I believe most of them are not 100% pegged, but kind of). It is about giving such currency a place in the individuals eco system, sellers of products and services need to adopt them, and buyers from services (employers for instance, companies buying services from freelancers and contractors and so on) need to start offering to pay in such currencies. I refer to my step 1 plan in the other comment I made. On top of that, it requires a tremendous marketing effort. Think of Paypal, that service did not grow by just being there. I don't see any of the crypto currencies being marketed as you would have to do to make a new service or good known by the mass. BUT, IMHO, none of the crypto's are ready for the mass, since point 2 in my step plan is not addressed at all. A wallet with some address like this 2gjhf2h35vjhm1q7tgqowfk is very far from user friendly. Anyhow, SBD, bitxxx is a step in the good direction (although one can argue for the success and simplicity and the growth of of Steem and Steemit, SBD maybe should be trashed, but that is another topic).


Good thing graphene chains use account names instead of hashes!

I totally agree we need a massive grassroots movement / marketing push to really make a dent.

Good thing graphene chains use account names instead of hashes!

Super indeed, something that is really required.