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RE: HempCoin Series #1 :: 大麻硬币系列

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

"crypto currencies need to offer technical innovation to distinguish themselves among their competition." <--- Yes, absolutely!

@voluntary, you probably already know that more than 30,000 (that's the conservative number) commercial uses have been identified for hemp.

America has no industrial precedent like the full production of hemp. Even automotives won't compare. Hemp is a titan like no other, and deserves a category larger, and more dignified than just 'cause coin.'

Do other causes bring with them multi-millions, from their inherent value? Most causes NEED millions, lol.

So, I know I'm looking at this with a lot of futurism in mind... and am just wondering how best to GET IN FRONT OF A BILLION DOLLAR AGRICULTURAL INEVITABILITY.

I deeply appreciate your engagement with me on this.