SPECTRE announcement of a DALP partnership with Caviar.io. SPECTRE is a SPECulative Tokenized tRading Exchange whose mission is to remove financial fraud from retail trading.
Snapshot from www.spectre.ai e-mail
SPECTRE Community Update
Spectre.ai has formed a strategic alliance with Caviar. The team behind Caviar is pioneering a unique approach to create a dual-purpose token and crowdfunding platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. Caviar’s token offers access to income producing real estate debt and fast growing cryptocurrencies, with built-in downside protection and automatic diversification. Caviar’s token generating event will run until January 31, 2018 with the goal of raising $25 million in total.
Spectre.ai's DALP (decentralised autonomous liquidity pool) will be playing a Passive Participation role in in the Caviar.io loan-book and crypto portfolio and CEO of Spectre.ai, Kay Khemani, will be becoming an advisor to Caviar.io. Recall that SXDT income is tied directly to DALP growth.
There is a live webinar between Spectre.ai and MIT educated Kiril Bensonoff, CEO of Caviar, scheduled on Thursday, 18th of January at 2pm GMT (9am EST).
You can register here and find out more about Caviar.io.
The Spectre.ai Team
Spectre.ai tokens SXUT and SXDT are traded on EtherDelta
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Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
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Thank You!
Thank you!
Spectre is very active in expanding its reach and we are seeing developments for it day by day. Thanx for the update my friend.
I am very excited to see the SPECTRE project succeed. I already registered for the Ask Me Anything (AMA) webinar.
I am so glad that SXDT and SXUT (the dividend and utility) tokens trade on EtherDelta. This is one project I am glad I can be a part of and I enjoy watching a start-up succeed.
Caviar.io is another project I am tracking. I am not able to participate in the ICO or TGE, but I will be watching for their tokens being available on EtherDelta.
The seeds planted in 2017 are germinating in 2018 to bring a bountiful harvest. Some of the tokens I bought in 2017 I will be HODL'ing for a long time.
Have a great weekend!
Steem on,
Nice post
So is spectre abit like bit shares in the sense of a decentralised trading platform but you could trade stocks on it? Wouldn't that not be outlawed in most countries unless they meet there trading standards ect?
Thanks for providing such information.. And it's very true. Trading involves high level of risk.. we need to gather all sorts of information before investing it somewhere..
yes, its amazing to see the SPECTRE project succeed. I had also registered for it.It feels nice to be the part of something successful.
Thanks for providing such information.. And it's very true. :-)
missed launch of Specter.ai beacuse of my finals, Spectre is expanding actively as you can notice is expanding day by day. by the way Thanks for the update dude.
I agree, SPECTRE.ai is quickly building alliances and partnerships for success and the success of the token holders.
I noticed that the token prices for SXDT and SXUT are doing well on EtherDelta. And I am hearing about SPECTRE from several other alternative media sources too.
It is going to be an exciting 2018 for SPECTRE.
Have a great weekend!
Steem on,
Seems Specter is headed toward seventh sky
Is spectre an erc20 token? I noticed this is not traded on any of the exchanges I'm on, that's a bummer. Anyways, there's lots of options out there. Veritaseum is interesting and their vaedir looks like it's ready to be opened to the masses.
I missed the spectre ico. very successful launch is expected.
I agree that SPECTRE.ai should have a very successful launch. I am glad that the SXDT (SPECTRE.ai Dividend Token) is traded on EtherDelta.
This new DALP partnership makes those SXDT tokens even more valuable.
The SPECTRE team from what I have seen and read in interviews and articles is very proactive in building a successful platform.
Have a great weekend!
Steem on,
spectre is rocking all the way up
HODL your SPECTRE.ai tokens!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Steem on,
Seems like a pretty good future awaits for Spectre :)
doing great job... @etcmike
keep it up..
well job.
Thanks for sharing @etcmike, and we get complete info for investing in any field. Because, trading is risky 😊