SPECTRE Community Update: Spectre.ai Forecast Update (14 January 2018)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

SPECTRE has updated their financial model forecast spreadsheet. SPECTRE is a SPECulative Tokenized tRading Exchange whose mission is to remove financial fraud from retail trading.

Snapshot from www.spectre.ai e-mail

SPECTRE Community Update

The Spectre.ai financial model forecasts on http://www.spectre.ai has been updated to reflect the token sale numbers.

Please find below the link to access the forecasts and play around with the Sandbox environment:

Sample Snapshot of Spectre.ai financial model spreadsheet:


Please note that the above model is not an investment advice and it is there for educational purposes only.

The Spectre.ai Team


SPECTRE YouTube Channel

Spectre.ai tokens SXUT and SXDT are traded on EtherDelta


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This content is for informational, educational and research purposes only.
Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument.
It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here. Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
All ideas, trade signals, opinions and/or forecasts are for informational, educational and research purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest, trade, and/or speculate. Any investments made in light of these ideas, trade signals, opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk. I am not an investment advisor, information shared here is for informational, educational and research purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell anything.

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A nice update from spectre, resteemed and wish you a great day @etcmike!

good going well job.

well posted i like it and upvoted
i have just join the steemit and There are enough active users to make things interesting, but there is clearly a lot of room for growth from this point.
thats a very good platform

great information keep it up.

booming specter!! thanks for updating @etcmike

nice to know the update its great to know

SPECTRE is doing great in its business : )

As it seems they are indeed in a good motive and the plan as well seems to be great !
They do have a great future awaiting !
Thanks for the update !

Another great update from spectre :)

They are Really in a good motive and the plan as well seems to be great!

SPECTRE is really doing it very well with the mission to remove financial fraud from trading. as there is the great need for it.And more steps should be taken to minimize the frauds.

Thanks for the update dude! :)

upvoted thumbs up(Y)

Wonderful to know new update from them thanks for sharing

well u r sharingvnice information about the coinbase because its very safe and security wise good

Informative as usual @etcmike

thanks for sharing.

This is one of the most educative financial news have read on this platform.

Really informative post....thanks for sharing @etcmike

You always have a good informations @etcmike but unfortunately for a slow learner like me, I can't really understand about all this coinbase, bitcoin and a lot more regarding this topic. Hopefully in your next post, you can try to blog about it in much simpler way. Thank you.

sir we are waiting for your new post where are you is everything right

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment