been there...done the scar.
You seem to understand it more than I do.
One thing...if you don't want to TRADE...if you just want to withdraw your's what you do.
The way it works...transfer an amount of steem or SBD to blocktrade which you ALREADY have set up to trade it for any of several other coins....(litecoin, ethereum, BitCoin...and manymore) .
Block trades does that then INSTANTLY sends it to the RECEIVE address you gave it.
For example...suppose I have 20 SBD that I want to turn into $$. I have an account on CoinBase already linked to my credit union. I give BlockTrades my Coinbase account as the RECEIVE...(coinbase accepts BC, ETH, or LiteCoin......litecoin has MUCH lower transaction fees) I use litecoin.
Transfer your SBD to instantly trades for LiteCoin..then instantly sends it to coinbase. From there you can trade for USD...then transfer it to your bankaccount.
Coinbase has a sister exchange that can do everything that Bittrex can do...I have NOT checked it out. I'm a slow learner and get confused easily. TMI is a thing.
Thanks for the tips! The Blocktrades site looks pretty straightforward.
Sounds like I've still got to get the Coinbase thing set up, though. No big deal, though. At least I'm learning a lot along the way!