Why You should Stop Watching the News (and other weapons they control you with)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

This post will tell you why you should avoid watching news like the plague.



This post is a continuation of: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@everluck/one-of-the-two-kings-that-rule-the-world-is-about-die

It basically tells us of the 5 entities that rule over our lives:

  1. Banks
  2. Corporations
  3. Government
  4. Religion
  5. Media

In that order…

We talked about the top 3 in the previous post. Now let’s talk about the other 2--- Mainstream media and mainstream religion.

First off: Mainstream Media

They use mainstream news media to control your life. The whole goal is to instill fear in you, 24/7.

Answer me this: When was the last time you saw “good news” in the headlines?


All headlines are bad news. Bad news sells. Good news is boring. All headlines are negative.



Headlines are full of code words: death, murder, market crash, unemployment, poverty, terror, war etc etc. You get the picture.


It’s a common psychological attack.

Think about it, in the glorious days of the 50s, the newspaper industries were the kings. Think: google, facebook and amazon.

Have you seen Hearst castle? A newspaper mogul owns it. He put billions of dollars to stop weed, because the hemp tree was about to kill his paper industry. Hemp DOESN’T get you high. But is of course, a cousin of weed.

Reveal spoiler


That’s how rich they are. They have billions in spare change to bribe (lobby) a completely BS law (everybody knew it was BS) and make it look legit. And he’s just one em.


It’s all mainly used for control and brainwashing. It is a weapon.

Media headlines are all based on fear. Tell me the last time headlines were good news?

The main goal is “fear-mongering.”

Think about it: in the glorious age of newspapers (before the internet), people walking past newspaper stands; would largely ignore them, unless something catches their eye.

A codeword.

Headlines are full of code words: death, murder, market crash, unemployment, poverty, terror, war etc etc. You get the picture.

It would make them reach a few dollars out of their pockets, and buy the stupid, fear-mongering headline.

That’s how the newspaper industry (before the internet) became giants.



Sidenote: The Internet became the ‘freedom’ of information, but that’s for another story.

In the meantime.

Nobody gives a shit about goodnews. Goodnews are boring. Nobody wants to read about a boyscout helping grandma cross the street, it’s fucking boring.

Headlines are full of fear, goodnews are somewhere in a 2 paragraph news in the back.

Try this:

Go on a news diet for a week. Just a week.

NO reading, watching or paying attention to any kind of news.

Do you know what will happen?

You will realize that kids play in the park, people are saying hi to each other, people helping grandma cross the street… people smiling.

You will realize the world is actually a good place.


If you can only get one thing from this post, get this:

Good people outnumber bad people.

Let me repeat that: Good people outnumber the bad. By a landslide.

The world is full of good people. But news will make you think otherwise. They will lie to your face in order to get your attention, so they can plaster advertisements (that fund them) down your throat.

Mainstream Religion.

It’s a touchy subject so I will keep this brief.

There is a BIG, BIG DIFFERENCE between religion and Spirituality. BIG DIFFERENCE.

They are not the same.

Mainstream Religion

It started out good, I guess. Do good to others and all that, but somewhere along the line, it has been hijacked.

It has been weaponized.

It has been used to conquer and kill hundreds of millions of people… in the name of God.


Source: https://www.juancole.com/2013/04/terrorism-other-religions.html

Maybe there are good religions out here, but they are few. The mainstream ones, are being used to control the population.

I am a spiritual person. I want to be connected to God, Divine, Creator, Source (however you might call it). But I don’t believe in religions. Especially one worth 500-600 Billion. That’s with a “B.”

Seriously, look it up lol.

You can be spiritual without being religious. It’s completely all up to you. Listen to your heart, and do what you want.

This is not a “new age” stuff... the concept of “spirituality” has been on for ages.

I suggest reflection or meditation.

Sit in a quiet place. Close your eyes. Breathe. Breathe deep. And try to listen to your heart.

No, not your brain... your heart. Your brain will be loud. It will be annoying. It will not give up control.

You would find out that your brain has been controlling you, your whole life.


I really urge you to read “The power of now.” It will change your life so much!


It will make so much sense.




I will end this with a message I want to reiterate one more time…

Stop being controlled by these invisible entities, and you’d realize:

The world is a good place. Full of good people.

The world is a good place. Full of good people.




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Not sure about tags: I should put cryptocurrency in the tags since this was a continuation of a post with cryptos in it.