New crypto coin found: Turtle Coin

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Here's another new coin I found that is currently mineable!



  1. Fast Transactions
    TurtleCoin is creating blocks every 30 seconds, as opposed to every 10 minutes. Your money travels 20x faster on TurtleCoin than on Bitcoin or BitcoinCash.

  2. Privacy
    TurtleCoin has the same privacy features you'll find in Monero and Aeon. Every transaction is private unless you choose to make it public.

  3. Easy To Use
    We support almost every OS, even on mobile you can make a secured paper-wallet for free, and get started with TurtleCoin in under 5 minutes.

  4. Easy To Mine
    TurtleCoin comes with its own basic CPU miner, but you can also use any Monero mining software you're used to if you'd rather use GPU's or mining pools. We recommend XMR-Stak Unified Miner.

  5. Community
    The TurtleCoin community is very welcoming to all users and developers. You won't get shouted at when things break, and we welcome critiques of our work. Please join us in our Discord Chat.

  6. Support
    We are growing a community of developers and testers in our GitHub meta-forum. You can help by testing software and submitting bug reports, or even just cheering us on from the sidelines.

They have a discord server:

Basic how-to mine:

Happy mining everybody!!!



From what I have found it really is a great cryptocoin to mine. I've already made over 30,000 by mining here: The coin is still young but the project is pretty amazing IMHO. Oh! And has 0% mining fee. Give it a try.

Apparently you can get some free coins if you join their discord and post your wallet:

get on discord.. wait the 10 minutes.. wallet chanel:
and register your TurtleCoin wallet to get them sweet free coins:

!registerwallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS

And if you help upvote them you can help TurtleCoin gain access to exchanges!

make an account .. upvote.. it needs 9000 votes!

then just upvote this here:

Nice! More coins!

Soon I'll need a filing cabinet for all the paper wallets!!!

An expandable file that fits in my bullet / bomb / fire proof safe works for me :P

Very cool! The more the merrier!

I dint knew about this coin thanks for informing


The listing of turtlecoin in kucoin platform might add the good hype here.