The Abyss & Oceans Protocol (NOT an ICO Review)

It's been quite apparent that as technology advances, the prophetic passages of Scripture that were once thought of as fantasy start becoming a real tangible possibility. But not only is the technology there to support what would be an economic infrastructure like the one described in the Bible about the end times, but the spiritual influence that are pushing these companies have their fingerprints all over the projects with the names, symbols, and images used to provoke and appeal to the masses. While there are many positive benefits to online conduct with the advent of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the reality is, the tech is now being deployed that could fully fulfill those wild prophecies about the image of the beast and mark of the beast.




The Seas or Oceans

The Abyss


-Bitcoin Donation: 13waWLWfRhxSoCPcf7MPg1VCATvvhVCHwZ
-Ethereum Donation: 0x178d86c4F8497CFbD234c66bE28824947f4F3E1D -Paypal:


the tech is now being deployed that could fully fulfill those wild prophecies about the image of the beast and mark of the beast.\

This is an amazing thought. It causes me to wonder if it is proper for a believer to be involved with crypto - but then I see the Beast system kicking against the decentralized currencies. The system HATES decentralized digital currencies. @ironshield

The dollar bill has the pyramid and all seeing eye of horus on the back. I think the beast system has imprinted itself onto the monetary system for well over a century now. The modern form of this debt based monetary system started in 1913 with the Federal Reserve.

Cryptos have been part of the plan for decades too. I found a paper from I think 1985 or so that explained peer to peer currency exchanges. I don't think the tech itself is necessarily evil or good. It's just a tool, a utility. But the way it can be used to enslave becomes far more increased with this tech, because EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is going to be on these distributed, consensus networks.