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According to HOT news from, IMF (the darkest multinational bankers of all) are going after Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrent market. It is almost laughable, if Bitcoin or open source, peer-reviewed distributed ledger technology of Blockchain is not a existential threat to the multinational corporations who own the IMF, why would they go after it?
Afterall, these bankers are the stewards of peoples money, correct? Remember the Global Economic Crash of 2008-2009 which was caused by bankers and politicians who were sleeping together, who would believe the IMF that they are trying to look out for every day citizens like you and me. Ask any country's citizen whose lives have been impacted by the involvement of the likes of IMF, they will surely tell you, they do not develop any nation that they claim to help develop their economy. The IMF holds hostage the poor countries that they loan money to, to follow their orders and commands as to how to run the host country's economy, how ridiculous, how arrogance to tell another country how to run their economy based on the economic wisdom of the Worlds greatest, thieves, looters and fraudsters and what Stanford authors Moore, Terbeek, Thym call them "policy dictators".
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