[WARNING] Stewart Dennis (BitBounce/Credo) wants to scam me for my 4 monthly earnings

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I would like to warn you about BitBounce/Credo ICO.

Steward Dennis, Founder & CEO of BitBounce, wants to scam me and other investors simply by being potentially incompetentet and if nothing changes a tieeff (want to avoid being sued).
We invested in his Credo ICO in the beginning of the sale. For that we obtained "Credo ICO Tokens" and sent them to Etherdelta. After a couple of days he created another tokens and had claimed that they will be the real ones and those that we had obtained before will become worthless. He has started since then sending new tokens manually to addresses with "Credo ICO Tokens". But of course in his incompetance he didn't realise that some of his investors could have sent thier tokens to etherdelta wallet and they won't receive any of the new ones.

We tried to contact him and inform politely about the problem. At first he was very lost but then he said that we should talk to etherdelta. We talked to Zack from etherdelta.

Screenshots presented below in courtesy of deceived investors:

We were waiting and thought that everything will turn alright till today (18.08.2017).
Because today Steward Dennis have started deleting our posts and banning us from slack and facebook group.

One of my befriended investor was talking to him before this banning thing.

We haven't traded any of our tokens. We simply sent them from one wallet to another and there was no information on the slack about not trading tokens and second contract before we had bought tokens.

Some of deleted posts:

In attachment you can see our tokens here:

I'm aware of that we won't get any of our eth back. But I hope more people will now know what Steward Dennis did to us and potencialy can do to you.

If anything changes I will delete this post but if not I will be more persistent on spreading the word.

P.S: @wesolykapselek 's Spreadsheet with wrong transations made by Stewart Dennis



@hajs3 I need to do due diligence on these claims before just sending tokens to people.

Yes, Credo's contract code lacks of exception for such case. Probably the coder has not even knew about decentralized exchanges... no expierience in this area implies the team has to resolve this issue manually.

Hi Zack. Thank you for your response but for me it's little bit ridiculous. I know that you don't want to touch people money but after sending by Steward Credo tokens to you global address with transfer() function [instead of depositToken()] this is no longer our money as affected people or Steward money as the sender. These are your tokens because at least one person from EtherDelta should know the private key and will be able to transfer this. So theoretically you can wait a few weeks, months or years, maybe in this time everybody will forget about these Credo tokens and someone will sell them for Ethereum and in this way gain some nice money. Of course maybe you have the policy that people should not involve in the smart contracts or something so you can still make some cron job that will run at least once per day and send back every token that will be transferred to your global account instead of deposited. Then you still have people away from the core of the market and everything will be automated. I know that you probably don't want do to this because market is decentralized but be honest: currently is whole EtherDelta decentralized? Really? Orders are stored in the Ethereum network? Or rather decentralized are only results of the trades and orders are on one or few your servers?

Thank you, Zack! I think we have all the info now.

Stewart Dennis sent us our CREDO tokens today! Unfortunetly I can't delete this post but hopfully everyone will see this comment. :D Glad it ended like this :)

hello there,
I just got to the computer and found this...
So I am confused now, what other tokens?
I had my CREDO tokens on hardware wallet on MEW but I did not recieve any other tokens than CREDO which were sent to me (I think) about two weeks ago.
So these are now useles tokens?
I see you guys are talking you did not recieve the other tokens because your CREDO were already on ED - that I understand cause I use ED, but my are on MEW and I did not move them or did anything with them, but I seem not to recieve some other tokens either.

Thank you guys for explanation

If you haven't transfered them you should be fine. You get Credo ICO token after you contribute and then Stewart is sending you real tokens manualy. That's really wierd but you should be ok ;) Although with this guy you never know ;/

Thank you for the quick answer

I see, yes as I remember he was sending it to me manually.
It says CREDO token and it was only one I got distributed, that is why I was suprised that if those are just the ICO tokens or that original token (but it is kind of weird why to complicate things in this way).

If you have CREDO tokens you are OK but if you have only CREDO ICO tokens then you are fucked like we are.

I don't know. This ICO is really wierd. Glad that you have yours. I've invested 10 eth in it and now I've nothing ;)

Ive invested also a bit more than usual, but I think if anything it is only a problem of the founders incompetence in this one thing (decentralized exchanges and not thought it through that this can happen) and its not their plan to scam. I know you guys must be very angry and getting low on patience, but on the other hand if Stewart is not lying then I am glad that he is very digilant and not reacting hastily (alhough some of his actions seem a bit, for lack of better word - cowardly, the deleting of the comments for example - although maybe he just doesnt want to create FUD and he really is working on this). Because I dont see it that much of a problem I think, if he will confirm with his team how ED works and will understand the problem, I dont see any problem about "refunding"(giving you what is yours) you guys, cause its all on blockchain and you have your addresses.
Anyway I hope they will solve this right and I vouch for you guys that you get all the tokens you bought, cause if not, this can harm the good name of CREDO a lot.

Because in one sense I understand him, he needs to be sure that those tokens sent to ED are totally lost with NO possible way to get them out (so they need to revise the smart contract themselves to believe that I think).
Cause otherwise it is like he wrote, that you will get your tokens and then take them out of ED - but as Zack from ED wrote, that is impossible.

I don't believe in Steve good intensions anymore after he banned us all and started accusing us as scammers.

I see, well than I am not suprised at all that you are so outraged, I would be the same (and actually am, because the tokens could become worthless anyway if this will not be resolved)

Hello, Stewart here. I've become increasingly convinced that the people making this complaint are attempting to scam us. I am concerned that you do have the tokens we sent out and that you are trying to get double the number of tokens you should be sent.

Also, we made it very clear that we would be using an ICO token in our terms and conditions, so this isn't something we announced after the sale started.

We could be misstaken in our assessment that this is a scam. Please send me and the team more information about this. Specifically, I'd like clear technical evidence that etherdelta users do not possess the tokens. I will need to consult with experts on this, so this issue would probably not be resolved until after the ICO.

I'm bored of repeating that again and again.
Here is my address: 0xA87fB81CDC6dfa965Bf8b7F43219BCc326A74Cfb
There are no incoming or outcoming transactions of new Credo tokens, because I did not receive them.
There are only old ones.
You sent them to etherdelta instead of to us.
There is no possibility to hide them or something, etherscan shows everything.

In terms and conditions there is a statement:
"Sending Ether to the Credos Token Address during the Sale Period triggers a smart contract operation, pursuant to which the Smart Contract System will automatically create and promptly deliver a Credo ICO token to the ERC20 wallet address from which the Ether were sent. "

It clearly says that tokens should be delievered to the wallet address from which ethereum was sent.
They were not.


Hello! Thank you for your reply. I can assure you that I don't have any of the new tokens. I have all of the old ones in my etherdelta wallet. If you'd like to see them on my normal address (the one you sent me "Credo ICO Token") I can transfer them immediately.
I don't know how it looks on Etherdelta side. I hope that if they could they would transfer them to me.
I just want you to get involved. I have put a lot of eth in your project (my 4 monthly earnings) and that's why I needed to do this post.
Please involve more technical advisors because all the evidence needed is out there on etherscan.

That's all I have now

And nothing here:

My etherdelta address: 0x0eEDdf4cC1aBD64dE929612737f587a7612008fF
Address where you sent me credo ico token: 0x587D7e2Dc8dD887e08903056c219B8E172Dd9eaB

If you need anything else just ask.


I'm glad you admited that you are NOT an expert. Indeed, everyone that has some crypto knowledge knows that ETH blockchain is fully transparent AND EtherDelta is an exchange being OPEN SOURCE. So EVERYBODY can anytime check and verify this problem. You act like a scammer be responding this way, sorry. You didn't provide any evidence and you accuse...? Oh my God, just simply ask somebody qualified for help.

I am an expert on some matters in crypto/blockchain, but we'd need to audit and do due-diligence on EtherDelta's code to ensure there is no way to recover the tokens.

There's a rumor that you have own private spreadsheet with affected people.

I have my own spreadsheet which for now is unfinished but it's listing affected people by issue where you sent their Credo tokens to ED wallet and not to their wallets:

That's great work! My address is correct and this is my etherdelta adress. I'm really happy that you tracked everything down although I'm the one with the biggest loss...
@stewartdennis Use his spreadsheet

I doubt in your level of knowledge of the crypto/blockchain. In couple of hours we did better analysis than you did in few weeks.
Also you are poor PR guy. You could make some progress in this, keep our messages and our account active in your Facebook and Slack services and now you have a group of eager people making you a free commercial on social network. Did you already notice that in this and every other thread there's your name next to it? This is not only a issue with Credo. Credo maybe will stand or will fall but Google will index all these threads and with your name on it. Maybe in few years you'll start a new project, people will start googling your name and I'm curious if all these threads about missing Credo token will be. Maybe first page and even top results.

Good for you sir!

Let me help you with your investigations:
Like I said in one of previous comments this is EtherDelta deposit address.
Open this in your web browser.
Then press ctrl+f to search for string "0x281a867c7c3a"
It's a first few characters from YOUR address from which you sent Credo tokens.
There are only 5 wrong transactions with total sum of 23 716,72 Credo tokens. Let me do the math: It's something little bit more than 6 Eth.

Do you want whole list of wrong transactions?
https://etherscan.io/tx/0x11cb402ee9213c97861d502d618813da94048b79676282a50a7a4464709a6dc1 https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd4f3216335f9800ee257ed7af6955caa439c3118ea2b775d9accfbdedc8b6167 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x8c7d0a313e79b81ef093581a40ae652bd6d71eb73c5a042a85ce706ca42ee279 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x255bd0a1febffe3632413a2581c6c47b67961c9aec4a7615a28af01a1a7ae6a0 https://etherscan.io/tx/0x8a96901134dd75dc54f5cdbf5ae76d0aaf050a81109f6f8bcf8aed2c716568ad

Edit 2; Talked with the people and there are saying that their missing tokens are not on the 5 transactions list. So this list can be incomplete and I don't know why. Maybe to these people (or rather ED) you don't event sent Credos.

Edit 3:
Damn from how many addresses you are sending Credos? Two?

Hi everyone,

Stewart here. I have now reimbursed any affected buyers with Credos. If you believe that you are still missing tokens, please email me directly ([email protected]) about this matter.

I apologize for any confusion over this situation. There were a number of attempts to scam us around the time of the ICO and it was difficult to know who to trust. I may have been too defensive in blocking people who were complaining about this. Please accept my apologies and the tokens for compensation.

Stewart Dennis
Founder & CEO
BitBounce + Credo