Here is my comment I posted to this article on Facebook. I haven't posted my first article yet here on Steemit, but I am working on something, okay I have nothing except a few ideas in my head, but there are so many people making posts it is hard to come up with something original. I mean there are some great content creators out there anyway help me build my confidence by upvoting this fish egg and don't eat me. Here is what I commented to Sean Supplee, "I upvoted you on Steemit, but that doesn't do much because I am not a whale or even a minnow I am still just a fish egg, lol. It is these scams and the bad apples that could ruin a very good idea, but to me to keep government from getting involved, some claim it is the Bankers/Elitists doing so we will beg for their help, but if the "CryptoCurrency" community takes care of it's bad apples or CryptoCrooks itself and we can prove, well have an argument against government intervention. It is getting harder for people to just be anonymous, not to be confused with Anonymous or Anonymous, but to just be an unknown. Most of us have a birth certificate, drivers license, cell phone, bank account, address and social security number and those aren't all bad things are they? It is very difficult to even buy Bitcoin from a reputable exchange without some form of ID and a good place to get screwed is go to a one on one exchange from an unknown person. If you don't believe me just send me some $$$ and I will send you some Bitcoin in the form of ScrewYouGood Coin or YouBeenHad Coin. I feel like a Tetra Flake." @FHStralow