Have you ever wanted "Infinity" of something? I don't generally think in terms of infinity, I run in a limited world compared to the infinitesimal. Anyway, there I was, minding my own business, pushing the right buttons in the wrong order...
When this happened:
Now, I don't know of anyone who wouldn't be at least a little interested in acquiring INFINITY worth of LTC for the low price of 0.00442050 BTC.
Of course, maybe you're thinking, why pay anything, when the bid was zilch? To this I ask, shouldn't I have just clicked confirm?
Yes. I clicked "Confirm"
And, as with all hopes and dreams that are dependent on the actions of third parties, I quickly learned that self-reliance is sager advice. You see, 0.00442050 BTC was no longer the going rate for Infinity LTC.
(NOTE: in order to get the Confirm button to function, I had to change the price to 0.00000002 BTC.)
Out of curiosity, I went ahead and clicked Confirm again.
As it turns out, Bittrex does not actually trade in infinity of LTC. And, I never would have found out about it, if I'd continued pushing buttons in the correct order.
Dyslexia, my friends, is real.

Twitter: mfinley80
SteemIt Intro: What's Up, STEEMIT?! I'm Monique Finley, a Blogger, Poet, and Author of the Free E-Serial: Terra Damnata!
Serial Novel: Terra Damnata, Book 1 of The Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series
Great post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks. I checked your profile. Your first post made me laugh. Hope you'll post more. So I followed, in case you do.
I've been fooled by that as well haha! Definitely a bug that needs to be fixed. In the meantime, they could just write 'NaN' instead of 'Infinity' so as not to confuse people. Definitely something to get our hopes up to though :)
LOL. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has had that happen. Thought it was too funny.
LOL. That would've been one hell of a trade.
lol! I was definitely game!