If my reference to my post - one link is spam, then what is this?
"Check out my previous posts on my crypto blog
Bloodbath versus 3 Crypto Strategies - https://chesatochi.com/bloodbath-versus-3-crypto-strategies/
The Transition to a Crypto World and the Way your Perceive Value - https://chesatochi.com/transition-fiat-crypto-world/
Decentralized Infrastructures Coins and Their Mysterious Power - https://chesatochi.com/decentralized-infrastructures-coins-mysterious-power/
Crypto Market – Craziness of the Market and DIP - https://chesatochi.com/crypto-market-craziness-dip/
CoinGecko – Little Trick to Convert any Crypto to Fiat Money Value - https://chesatochi.com/coingeko-crypto-fiat-conversion/
Top 20 Crypto Tips for Investing and be Smarter with your Decisions - https://chesatochi.com/top-20-crypto-tips-investing/ -"