PinkDate Smart Contract Twitter Contest! - 1200$ prizepool for 3 winners

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I will start with my entry, I would be happy if you liked and/or retweeted it. Leave a comment if you have joined the contest with your link and I will like it back.

So is looking for a smart contract address and they want it to be fun and cooler than just random numbers. For your efforts they have amazing prizes to hand out.


Have a brainstorm and compete against me! Some of us may get some free money right here for just being creative.



free_f0r_all Enthusiast tweeted @ 03 Feb 2018 - 17:13 UTC

my entry: 0xCBe57b4be5 (See best Babes)

#PinkDateNameContest #LIKE #RETWEET@goPinkDate

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